MAC - Venomous Villains collection

I oktober är det äntligen dags för släppet av MACs samarbete med Disney - venomous villains, en kollektion baserad på fyra disneyskurkar - Cruella de Vil (från Pongo och de 101 dalmatinerna), Evil queen (från Snövit), Maleficent (från Törnrosa) och Dr. Facilier (från Prinsessan och grodan).

MAC Venomous Villains
Release date: September 2010 (US/Canada), October 2010 (International)


Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)

  • Innocence, Beware! - Light yellow pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Heartless - Cherry red (Amplified) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • Wicked Ways - Light nude with gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Devilishly Stylish - Deep fuchsia with pink pearl (Limited Edition)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 155 SEK)

  • De-vil - Rich copper (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Sweet Joy - Creamy pale gold (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Passions of Red)
  • Carbon - Intense black (Matte) (Permanent)

Penultimate Eyeliner ($16.50 / 185 SEK)

  • Rapidblack - True black (Permanent)

Beauty Powder ($25.00 / 265 SEK)
  • Her Own Devices - Cool nude (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50 / 220 SEK)
  • Darkly My Dear - Mid-tone brown plum (Matte) (Limited Edition)







Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)

  • Toxic Tale - Bright coral (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Sinister - Soft brown plum (Lustre) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)

  • Strange Potion - Soft coral pink (Limited Edition)
  • Hot House - Deep raspberry with pink pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Strange Hybrid)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 155 SEK)
  • Her Alter Image - Light violet (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Vainglorious - Bronze burgundy (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Vile Violet - Deep blue purple (Matte) (Limited Edition)

Penultimate Brow Universal

Beauty Powder ($25.00  / 185 SEK)

  • Oh So Fair - Mid-tone pink with gold pearl (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50 / 220 SEK)
  • Bite of an Apple - Soft coral pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)






Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Violetta - Violet purple (Amplified) (Permanent at PRO)
  • Dark Deed - Burgundy plum (Amplified) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)

  • Revenge is Sweet - Light yellow purple (Limited Edition)
  • Wrong Spell - Deep plum with pink purple (Limited Edition)

Mineralize Eyeshadow ($19.50 / 210 SEK)

  • My Dark Magic - Deep pink with pink pearl / Deep plum with purple pearl (Limited Edition)
  • She Who Dares - Deep navy with blue pearl / Deep forest green with lime pearl (Limited Edition)

Beauty Powder ($25.00 / 265 SEK)
  • Briar Rose - Soft violet pink with pearl (Limited Edition)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)
  • Bad Fairy - Red with multi-changing pigments (Limited Edition)
  • Formidable! - Teal green with pink pigment (Limited Edition)
  • Mean & Green - Purple with teal pigment (Limited Edition)







Lipgelee ($14.00 / 185 SEK)

  • Resort Life - Off-white with pink pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Lillyland)

Greasepaint Stick ($17.50 / 190 SEK)
  • Slick Black - True carbon black (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • French Quarter - Black green with multi-colour pearl (Limited Edition)

Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)
  • Melon - Bright golden peach (Permanent)
  • Push the Edge - Deep bright purple with pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)
  • Brash & Bold - Bright magenta (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)

Magically Cool Liquid Powder (310 SEK)
  • Truth and Light - Sheer shimmer reflects silver and pink (Limited Edition)
  • Cajun - Sheer bronze reflects gold (Limited Edition)

Mirror (150 SEK)
  • I’m So Vain - Round special decoration compact mirror (Limited Edition)



Vad tycker ni om den här kollektionen? Själv är jag lite smått besviken på förpackningarna, det hade varit bra mycket coolare med en design i stil med de ursprungliga skisserna. Men jag tycker att Maleficent är så jäkla ball och hennes förpackningar ser aboslut snyggast ut (ja, jag är en sucker för LE-förpackningar), så hennes del av kollektionen ska jag nog spana lite extra på. Speciellt nagellacken ser ut att vara riktigt läckra! Missa inte läppstiftet Violetta om ni inte redan har det, det är en PRO-produkt i vanliga fall - ack så snyggt det är! Heartless-läppstiftet ur Cruella de Vil-delen och Bite of an apple-rouget ur Evil Queen-delen låter riktigt fina dom med, vill ha!




In English: This fall, MAC finally releases their collection in collaboration with Disney - Venomous Villains, a collection based on four disney villains - Cruella de Vil (from One hundred and One dalmatians), Maleficent (from Sleeping Beauty), Queen (from Snow White) and Doctor Facilier (from The princess and the frog).


What do you think of this collection? I'm a bit dissapointed in the packaging, I would rather have seen a design like the original promo sketches. But I do adore Maleficent because she's awesome and her packaging looks the best (yes, I'm a sucker for LE packaging), so I will probably oogle her part of the collection a little bit extra. I especially look forward to seeing the nail polishes! Don't miss the lipstick Violetta if you already own it, it's usually a PRO product and it's gorgeous! The Hertless lipstick from Cruella de Vil and the Bite of and apple blush from Evil Queen sounds gorgeous aswell!



Source: Temptalia

MAC - MAC for Rodarte collection

MAC har bestämt sig för att dra tillbaka den här kollektionen. Läs mer här.

I höst lanserar MAC en kollektion tillsammans med den amerikanska designerduon Rodarte. Kollektionen är baserad på Rodartes höstkollektion, där inspirationen har hämtats från den mexikanska staden Juarez.

OBS! Denna kollektion kommer tyvärr inte till oss i Skandinavien.

MAC for Rodarte
Release date: September 16th 2010 (US/Canada), Fall 2010 (International)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Ghost Town - Sheer white with white, gold and green pearlized pigment (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Rose State - Mid-tone blue pink (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Sleepless - Light grey taupe (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • Rodarte - Pale creamy pink with layers of sparkling white, mint, and pink (Limited Edition)
  • del Norte - Light creamy violet with layers of sheer sparkling taupe, pink and grey (Limited Edition)

Lip Erase ($16.00 / 155 SEK)

  • Pale - Flesh tone NC 27 Shade (Matte) (PRO)

Mineralize Eyeshadow ($19.50 / 210 SEK)
  • Bordertown - Black with red, pale blue, and silver veining (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Sleepwalker - Beige with copper, pale blue and pale pink veining (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)
  • White Gold - White pearl with gold duochrome (PRO)
  • Kitschmas - Shimmering pink/mauve (Permanent)
  • Mauvement - Cool taupe with gold pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Rushmetal, Overrich)
  • Badlands - Mid-tone shimmer beige brown (Limited Edition)

Chromographic Pencil ($14.50 / 145 SEK)
  • NW25/NC30 - Flesh tone NW25/NC30 shade (Matte) (PRO)

Beauty Powder ($25.00 / 230 SEK)
  • Softly Drifting - Pale neutral white-ish pink with soft gold pearl (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50 / 215 SEK)

  • Quinceanera - Shimmery mid-tone blue pink (Limited Edition)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)
  • Juarez - Bright opal pink (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Factory - Light opal mint (Frost) (Limited Edition)






Den här kollektionen har väckt en hel del uppmärksamhet i skönhetsvärlden de senaste dagarna på grund av inspirationskällan. Rodartes originalkoncept sägs vara hämtat från kvinnorna som jobbar i fabrikerna i Juarez under vidriga förhållanden. Det är en väldigt fattig stad, och den är även känd för sin otroligt höga mordstatistik, varav de flesta mord förblir olösta och en stor del av de mördade är kvinnor. Då produkterna i den här kollektionen har namn som "Juarez", "ghost town", "bordertown" och "factory" är det många som har reagerat och tyckt att kollektionen är osmaklig och oetisk. Både MAC och Rodarte har uttalat sig om frågan efter att diskussionen uppkommit:




"We understand that product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection have offended our consumers and fans. This was never our intent and we are very sorry.  We continue to listen carefully to the comments we have received and have the following plans to address concerns:

We are committed to donating $100,000 to a non-profit organization that has a proven, successful track-record helping women in need and that can directly improve the lives of women in Juarez in a meaningful way.
We are changing the product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection. As we have done in the past, please be assured that we will communicate details regarding our progress in this matter."


"Our makeup collaboration with M·A·C developed from inspirations on a  road trip that we took in Texas last year, from El Paso to Marfa.  The  ethereal nature of this landscape influenced the creative development  and desert palette of the collection. We are truly saddened about  injustice in Juarez and it is a very important issue to us. The M·A·C  collaboration was intended as a celebration of the beauty of the  landscape and people in the areas that we traveled."



Vad tycker ni om den här kollektionen och diskussionen som har uppkommit kring den? Tycker ni att MAC ska dra tillbaka kollektionen eller byta namn på vissa av produkterna? Själv tycker jag att det är lite klantigt av både Rodarte och MAC att inte tänka sig för innan man döpte vissa av produkterna eller att göra tillräckligt grundlig research över exakt vad det är man hämtar inspiration från och försöker tjäna pengar på, samtidigt som jag tycker det är bra av MAC att donera delar av inkomsterna från kollektionen till de utsatta i Juarez. Jag är osäker på om jag kommer handla något ur kollektionen, men det är till största delen på grund av att ingen av produktbeskrivningarna lockar mig något nämnvärt.




In English: This fall, MAC releases a collection in collaboration with the designer duo Rodarte. The collection is based on Rodarte's fall collection, which have been inspired by the mexican border town Juarez.


This collection have caused quite a controversary in the beuaty community the latest few days due to the source of inspiration. Rodarte's original concept is said to be inspired by the women working at the factories in Juarez under very poor conditions. It's a very poor town, and it's also known for it's extremely high murder count, where most of the murders stay unsolved and a lot of the murder victims are women. As the products in this collection have names like "Juarez", "ghost town", "border town" and "factory", many people have reacted and finds this collection both tasteless and unethical. Both MAC and Rodarte have made a statement after the discussion began, you can see them above.


What do you think of this colleciton and the discussion that have rised around it? Do you think that MAC should pull this collection back or change the name of some products? Myself, I find it a bit clumsy of both MAC and Rodarte not to think carefully enough before naming some of the products an not to do their research thoroughly enough on exactly what they're getting their inspiration from and try to make a profit from, but at the same time I think it's great of MAC to donate parts of the sales to help the people of Juarez. I'm uncertain of if I will get anything from this collection, but it's mostly because of the product descriptions doesn't tempt me that much.



Source: Temptalia

MAC - Nail Trend F/W 2010 collection

Till hösten släpper MAC, för andra året i rad, en nagellackskollektion ihop med nagelgurun Jin Soon Choi. Förra årets lack var krämlack, i år har lacken kinainspirerade namn och man har valt att fokusera på frostlack med kontrasterande skimmer till basfärgen.

Nail Trend F/W 2010
Release date: August 2010 (US/Canada), September 2010 (International)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)
  • Concubine - Blackened red with red shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Earthly Harmony - Muted Taupe with copper shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Ming Blue - Cobalt blue with teal and red shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Rain of Flowers - Blackened violet with violet shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Imperial Flower - Bright reddish orange with gold and red shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Jade Dragon - Emerald green with teal shimmer (Frost) (Limited Edition)



Overlacquer, Earthly harmony, Imperial flower, Ming blue, Jade dragon, Concubine, Rain of flowers





Jag blir direkt sugen på Ming blue, Imperial flower och Jade dragon, nom!

In English: For the second year in a row, MAC releases a nail polish collection for fall in collaboration with nail guru Jin Soon Choi. Last year's collection were all cremes, this year's polishes have got China inspired names and are all about frost shades with shimmer that is contrasting to the base colour.

Ming blue, Imperial flower and Jade dragon immediately caught my attention, nom!

Source: Temptalia

MAC - Haute & Naughty lash collection

I höst landar en riktigt spännande mascara i de svenska MAC-diskarna - Haute & Naughty lash. Mascaran har två öppningar för samma borste - en som ger lite mascara på borsten för längd och separation, och en som ger mycket färg på borsten för volym och definition.

MAC Haute & Naughty lash
Release date: June 28th @ Nordstrom & MAC online / August 19th @ Nordstrom / September 16th @ all locations 2010 (US/Canada), October 2010 (International)

Leading the kind of double life that doesn’t land you in the tabloids is easy with Haute & Naughty Lash.  So smart with its two-in-one dual wiper system, you choose if you want defined lashes for day, or instantly combed volume for evening.  Use the small orifice for a natural end look. the large orifice for major drama, all-in-one!

First at MAC, this innovative, unique, double-duty development is the clever new way to customize lashes… select and shimmy brush from root to tip for desired effect.

State-of-the-art conditiong and hydrating formula prevents parching, flake-outs.

A one-for-all winner!

Haute & Naughty lash ($18.00 / 205 SEK) (Permanent)
  • Haute & Nauhty black - black




Jag är riktigt nyfiken på den här mascaran, och det gör ju inget att förpackningen är döläcker den heller! Den är lite dyrare än vanliga MAC-mascaror, men man får ju trots allt två mascaror i en. Den här tänker jag definitivt prova när den släpps här i Sverige!




In English: This fall, MAC releases a new exciting mascara - Haute & Naughty lash. The mascara has got two caps for the same wand - one that adds less mascara to the wand for length and separation, and one that adds more mascara to the wand for volume and definition.


I'm really curious about this mascara, and it doesn't hurt that the packaging looks gorgeous! It's a bit more expensive than the other MAC mascaras, but you do get like two mascaras in one. I'll definately try this one out when it comes to Sweden!


Source: Temptalia

MAC - Fabulous Felines collection

Det har cirkulerat rykten ett tag om att MAC ska göra en kollektion med katt-tema. Ryktena har visat sig vara sanna - i höst släpper märket en gigantisk kollektion i tre delar, inspirerade av tre olika kattdjur; Palace pedigreed, leopard luxe och burmese beauty.

MAC Fabulous Felines
Release date: Fall 2010 (US/Canada), September 2010 (International)

Part 1: Palace Pedigreeed

Palace Pedigreeed Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)

  • Courtly Life - Frosted mute light beige (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Palace Pedigreed - Deep berry with soft pink pearl (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Quite Spoiled - Mid-tone neutral mauve (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Russian Blue - Deep neutral grey (Matte) (Limited Edition)

Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)

Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.
  • Nocturnal - Bright silver pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Smoky Noir - Dark blue violet with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Signature Blue - Dark navy with soft pearl (Limited Edition)

Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)

  • Bloodline - Dark dirty browned purple (Limited Edition)
  • Mauvement - Cool taupe with gold pearlized pigments (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Rushmetal)

Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
  • Plushblack - True black (Permanent)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Superior - Sheer lavender pink with dazzle pink pearl (Potentially Dazzle Finish) (Limited Edition)
  • Of Royalty - Light creamy blue pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Aristo-cat - Mid-tone frosted purple mauve (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Cunning - Dark berry (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • Docile - Dirty lavender with pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Best of Breed - Light dirty blue with pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Lap of Luxury - Dark eggplant with pearl (Limited Edition)

Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
  • Beurre - Dirtied plum (Cream) (Permanent)

Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)

  • Pet Me - Light yellow pink with soft pearl (Limited Edition)

Part 2: Leopard Luxe

Leopard Luxe Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
  • Wild by Nature - Mid-tone camel (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Style Predator - Frosted mid-tone yellow orange (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Notoriety - Mid-tone brown with gold pearl (Velvet) (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)
  • Furiously Fabulous - Frosted warm black (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)

Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)

Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.

  • Pure Snow - Bright yellow gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • For Glamour - Mid-tone grey with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
  • On the Hunt - True black (Limited Edition)

Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)

  • Plushblack - True black (Permanent)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)

  • Out-Minxed - Light yellow (Glaze) (Limited Edition)
  • Drive Me Wild - Mid-tone warm coral with gold pearl (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Powerful - Mid-tone bronze with dazzle multi-pearl (Dazzle) (Limited Edition)
  • The Prowl - Creamy dark chocolate (Lustre) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • A Quiet Roar - Pale white gold (Limited Edition)
  • Schemer - Mid-tone yellow camel with red and gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Wildly Refined - Mid-tone coral with gold pearl (Limited Edition)

Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)

  • Creamola - Low-down tan (Cream) (Permanent)
  • Cremekiss - Clean apricot coral (Cream) (Limited Edition)

Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)
  • Utterly Game - Warm peach with soft pearl

Part 3: Burmese Beauty

Burmese Beauty Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
  • Prized Pale - yellow beige (Satin)(Limited Edition)
  • Skintone 2 - Mid-tone gold (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)
  • Burmese Beauty - Frosted brown green (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Showstopper - Soft smoked black (Matte) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)

Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.
  • Desires & Devices - Sparkling dark green
  • Definitely Feline - Chocolate brown with soft pearl
  • Treat Me Nice - Emerald green with soft pearl

Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)

  • Gold Stroke - Mid-tone chocolate brown with red pearl (Repromote)
  • Antique Green - Turquoise green with green pearlized pigments (Repromote)

Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
  • Plushblack - True black (Permanent)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)

  • Pet Me Please - Frosted light dirty mauve (Frost)
  • To Pamper - Creamy mid-tone taupe (Lustre)
  • Liquid - Light yellow green with dazzle multi-pearl (Dazzle)
  • Kittenish - Deep red berry (Cremesheen)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • Spree - Pink champagne taupe
  • Jealous - Light dirty green with pearl
  • Fancy Cat - Dark dirty brown with pearl

Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)

  • Velvetella - Blackened plum (Cream) (Permanent)

Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)

  • The Soft Meow - Mid-tone golden bronze with soft pearl

Palace Pedigreed

Leopard Luxe

Burmese Beauty

Phew! Snacka om en stor kollektion! Jag skulle gärna vilja ha det mesta, jag är ju trots allt en crazy cat lady, men i dagsläget känner jag mig mest sugen på superslick eyeliners och pigmentet antique green. Det kommer bli mycket swatchande för min del innan jag kommer kunna bestämma mig för vad jag vill ha!

In English: There have been rumours flying around for a while that MAC will make a cat themed collection. The rumours have proven to be true - this fall, the brand releases a huge collection in three parts, inspired by three cat breeds; Palace pedigreed, leopard luxe and burmese beauty.

Phew, talk about a huge collection! I would love to get most of this collection, I am a crazy cat lady after all, but right now I'm feeling mostly drawn towards the superslick eyeliners and the pigment antique green. There will be a lot of swatching for me before I will be able to decide on what to get!

Source: Temptalia, Specktra, Chic Profile

MAC - Dare to wear collection

MAC fullkomligen spottar ur sig kollektioner under sensommaren och hösten - i juli eller augusti släpps kollektionen Dare to wear, bestående av en hög med ögonskuggor i knalliga färger och ytterligare en ny läppglansformula, dare to wear lipglass.

MAC Dare to wear
Release date: July/August 2010 (US/Canada), Fall 2010 (International)

Dare to Wear Lipglass
  • Ban This! - Deep purple with multi-pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Bold & Brash - Bright red with multi-pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Dare to Dare - Light blue pink with multi-pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Gimme That! - Bright fuchsia pink with pink pearl (Limited Edition)
  • So Bad - Mid-tone coral orange with pink and gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Wind Me Up - Dirty bronze with pink and gold pearl (Limited Edition)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 155 SEK)

  • Aqua - Subdued, pale greyed aqua (Matte) (Permanent, PRO)
  • Atlantic Blue - Bright violet blue (Matte) (Permanent)
  • Crazy Cool - Mid-tone lavender (Limited Edition)
  • Louder Please - Bright fuchsia pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Sassy Grass - Bright pale green (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Shock-a-holic - Bright purple (Limited Edition)
  • Free to Be - Bright true coral (Matte) (Permanent)
  • Going Bananas - Soft lemon yellow (Frost) (Repromote)
  • Lime - Lime green (Matte) (Permanent, PRO)
  • Sky Blue - Sky blue (Frost) (Permanent, PRO)
  • Winkle - Mid-tone cornflower blue (Satin) (Permanent)
  • Zingy - Bright blue (Matte) (Limited Edition)








För en gångs skull lockar inte läppglansen alls, men ögonskuggorna däremot... Jag är ju jättesvag för färgstarka ögonskuggor, damn you MAC! Atlantic blue och Lime har jag däremot redan, och Free to be och Winkle är permanenta i sortimentet - av resterande skuggor så lockar Going bananas och Sassy Grass mest. Aqua och Sky blue går ju att få tag hos PRO stores, och det ser ut som att Zingy kan vara en dupe på Electric eel, Louder please en dupe på Passionate och Shock a holic en dupe på Vibrant grape eller MUFE #92 - dock är det svårt att se från enbart produktbilder, så jag väntar med spänning på swatches =)



In English: MAC literally throws collections at us this late summer and fall - in july or august, the Dare to Wear collection is being released, with several bright eyeshadows and a new lipgloss formula - dare to wear lipglass.


For once, the lipglosses doesn't appeal to me at all, but the eyeshadows on the other hand... I have a real hard time to resist bright eyeshadows, damn you MAC! I already own Atlantic blue and Lime though, and Free to be and Winkle are permanent at freestanding MAC stores. Of the rest of the eyeshadows, Going bananas and Sassy grass appeal the most to me. Aqua and Sky blue are available at PRO stores, and it looks like Zingy could be a dupe of Electric eel, Louder please a dupe of Passionate and Shock a holic a dupe of Vibrant grape or MUFE #92 - it's really hard to see from promo shots though, so I really look forward to some swatches of these! =)



Source: Chic Profile


MAC - Digi-Pops collection

I slutet av varje sommar släpper MAC en större kollektion som är exklusiv för varuhuskedjan Nordstroms i USA. Som tur är så får de fristående MAC-butikerna världen om även in dessa kollektioner (vilket betyder MAC-disken på Åhléns city i Stockholm i Sverige). I år heter Nordstroms-kollektionen Digi-Pops och består av fyra mindre kollektioner; Lip Server, iPalette, Brush browser och Look in a box.

In English: At the end of each summer, MAC releases a larger collection that's exclusive to the warehouse Nordstroms in the US. Fortnually, the freestanding MAC stores all over the world also gets these collections! This year, the Nordstroms collection is called Digi-Pops and consists of four smaller collections; Lip Server, iPalette, Brush browser and Look in a box.

MAC Digi-Pops: Lip Server
Release date: July 15th 2010 (US/Canada), August 2010 (International)

Dazzle Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Liquid Lurex - Tarnished golden (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Smash Hit - White beige (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Infused with Glam - Copper brown (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Wham - Plum brown (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Glaringly Hip - Light Peach (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Sweet Bits - Light lavender pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Hot Sass - Bright orange (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Win-Win - Light pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Naughty You - Neon Pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Troublemaker - Magenta (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Snazzy - Deep plum (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Hellraiser - Light lavender (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Baby’s On Fire - Deep Red (Pearl) (Limited Edition)

Dazzleglass ($18.50 / 210 SEK)
  • Glamour OD - Bright Coral Red (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Spanking Rich - Raspberry Pink (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Boys Go Crazy - Deep amthyst (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Fabulous Fun - Rich magenta (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Hi-Falutin’ - Light yellow pink (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • You Got the Look - Yellow nectarine (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Utterly Posh - Mid-tone orange (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)






Dazzle lipstick låter som något helt i min smak! Sweet bits, hot sass, hellraiser och baby's on fire - come to mama!

In English: Dazzle lipstick sounds like something in my taste! Sweet bits, hot sass, hellraiser and baby's on fire - come to mama!

MAC Digi-Pops: iPalette
Release date: July 8th 2010 (US/Canada), August 2010 (International)

Refillable Eye Shadow X4 ($5.00 / 45 SEK)
Small Eye Shadow Pro Palette Eyeshadows ($11.00 / 115 SEK)

Customers will be able to make their own custom palette of permanent eyeshadows.

  • All that Glitters - Beige w/gold pearl (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Atlantic Blue - Bright violet blue (Matte)
  • Carbon - Intense black (Matte)
  • Club - Red-brown with green pearl (Satin)
  • Contrast - Purplish-blue with blue pearl (Velvet)
  • Deep Truth - True dark blue (Frost)
  • Expensive Pink - Pink with duochrome (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Free to Be - Bright true coral (Matte)
  • Goldenrod - Bright marigold yellow (Satin)
  • Goldmine - Intense gold with shimmer (Frost)
  • Knight Divine - Black w/silver pearl (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Lucky Green - Frosted midtone lime (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Parfait Amour - Blue-violet with shimmer (Frost)
  • Red Brick - Orange Red (Matte)
  • Retrospeck - Beached blonde (Lustre)
  • Satin Taupe - Taupe with silver shimmer (Frost)
  • Shroom - Soft beige with shimmer (Satin)
  • Sketch - Burgundy with red shimmer (Velvet)
  • Steamy - Bluish-green w/gold pearl (Frost)
  • Sunny Spot - Light acid green yellow (Matte)
  • Sweet Lust - Pinky-rose (Lustre)
  • Texture - Peachy-brown with shimmer (Velvet)
  • Tilt - Violet w/blue-green pearl (Frost)
  • Trax - Burgundy-plum with shimmer (Velvet)
  • Vibrant Grape - Bright magenta violet (Satin)
  • Wedge - Soft muted beige taupe (Matte)
  • White Frost - Vivid white with icy shimmer (Frost)
  • Winkle - Midtone cornflower blue (Satin)

MAC Digi-Pops: Brush browser
Release date: July 8th 2010 (US/Canada), August 2010 (International)

4 Face Brushes Apply + Blend ($49.50)

  • Brush roll in black patent fabric and white patent trim with black grosgrain ribbon with MAC logo
  • 168SE brush
  • 187SE brush
  • 190SE brush
  • 194SE brush

5 Eye Brushes Apply, Define + Line ($49.50)
  • Brush roll in black patent fabric and white patent trim with black grosgrain ribbon with MAC logo
  • 212SE brush
  • 219SE brush
  • 227SE brush
  • 266SE brush
  • 275SE brush

MAC Digi-Pops: Look in a box
Release date: July 8th 2010 (US/Canada), August 2010 (International)

Look in a Box Frisky Girl ($59.50)
  • Pretty Baby Beauty Powder
  • Well Dressed Powder Blush
  • Mercurial Mineralize Eye Shadow
  • Nymphette Lipglass
  • Zoom Fast Black Lash

Look in a Box Miss Violet ($59.50)

  • Rose Beauty Powder
  • Desert Rose Powder Blush
  • Love Stone Mineralize Eye Shadow
  • Lovechild Lipglass
  • Zoom Fast Black Lash

Look in a Box Tawny One ($59.50)
  • Refined Golden Bronzing Powder
  • Coppertone Powder Blush
  • By Jupiter Mineralize Eye Shadow
  • Love Nectar Lustreglass
  • Zoom Fast Black Lash

Source: Temptalia, The next best thing to going shopping yourself

MAC - In the groove collection

I slutet av sommaren släpps MAC-kollektionen In the groove, som är lite av en uppföljare på förra årets mineralize-kollektion Color Craft. Kollektionen innehåller bland annat mineralrouge, MSF, mineralskuggor och cremesheen glass.

MAC In the groove
Release date: July 8th 2010 (US/Canada), August (International)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Call My Bluff - Mid-tone creamy coffee (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Jazzed - Bright coral pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Creme de Nude - Pale muted peach beige (Cremesheen) (Permanent)
  • I Like It Like That - Deep Blue pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • All Styled Up - Bright yellow pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Go For It - Mid-tone blue purple (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)

Cremesheen Glass ($18.00 / 210 SEK)
  • On the Scene - Light Coral beige (Limited Edition)
  • You’ve Got It - Mid-tone silver grey (Limited Edition)
  • Going Casual - Sheer lilac (Limited Edition)
  • Fashion Whim - Light Beige (Limited Edition)
  • Right Image - Mid-tone blue pink (Limited Edition)
  • Chillin’ - Light white blue (Limited Edition)

Mineralize Eye Shadow (Trio) ($19.50 / 210 SEK)
  • Love to Love - Satin beige/Pearly Bronze/Satin Brown (Limited Edition)
  • In the Groove - Satin green/Pearly burgundy/Satin coral (Limited Edition)
  • Making It Easy - Satin red brown/Pearly beige rose/Satin dark beige (Limited Edition)
  • Togetherness - Satin lavender/Pearly purple/Satin grey (Limited Edition)
  • Style Influencer - Satin silver/Pearly deep blue/Satin deep mauve brown (Limited Edition)
  • Soften the Mood - Satin light brown/Pearly rose/Satin light blue (Limited Edition)
  • Fresh & Easy - Satin pink/Pearly burgundy/Satin grey (Limited Edition)
  • Calm, Cool, & Collected - Satin deep green/Pearly green/Satin beige (Limited Edition)
  • Blue My Mind - Satin light blue/Pearly deep teal/Satin black (Limited Edition)

Powerpoint Eye Pencil ($14.50 / 150 SEK)
  • Stubborn Brown - Deep Rich Brown (Permanent)
  • Permaplum - Deep plum with pink shimmer (Permanent)
  • Navy Stain - Royal blue with shimmer (Permanent)

Zoomlash ($13.00 / 155 SEK)

  • Zoomblack - Rich Black (Permanent)

Mineralized Skinfinish ($28.00 / 270 SEK)
  • By Candlelight - Golden pink (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Stereo Rose - Coral with golden/bronze shimmering nuances (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Comfort - Golden bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Petticoat - Pale rose with gold and amber veining (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Mineralize Blush (Duo) ($23.00 / 265 SEK)

  • Happy Together - Satin caramel/Pearly beige (Limited Edition)
  • A Little Bit of Sunshine - Satin light brown/Pearly beige (Limited Edition)
  • Hang Loose - Satin bright pink/Pearly lavender (Limited Edition)
  • Band of Roses - Satin blue pink/Pearly light plum (Limited Edition)
  • New Vibe - Satin deep rose/Pearly bronze (Limited Edition)

Brush ($42.00 / 435 SEK)

  • 187 Brush - A large full circular brush used for lightweight application and blending of face powder or pigments. Use to create soft layers or add textures. Made from a soft blend of goat and synthetic fibres.




Calm cool & collected, Blue my mind, Togetherness

Soften the mood, Style influencer , Fresh & easy

(Missing in this picture: Love to love, In the groove, Making it easy)



Fashion whim, On the scene, Right image, Going causual, Chillin' (?), You've got it (?)



Creme de nude, Call my bluff, Jazzed



All styled up, I like it like that, Go for it



Permaplum, Navy stain, Stubborn brown



Hang loose, Band of roses, New vibe

A little bit of sunshine, Happy together



Comfort, Stereo rose

Petticoat, By candlelight



Jag är tokförtjust i färgschemat! Väldigt mycket godbitar som känns väldigt lockande, bara MAC har lyckats med mineralize-formulan den här gången. Låter ju onekligen lovande att färgerna beskrivs som "satin" om man, som jag, inte är förtjust i förra årets glitterbomber, Love to love och Calm, cool & collected ser ut att vara riktigt fina. Läppstiftet Go for it, cremesheen-glasset Chillin' och mineralize-rouget New Vibe låter intressanta med! Men jag måste säga att jag blir lika besviken varje gång jag ser att MAC repromotar gamla MSF-färger, men aldrig Lightscapade som jag så gärna vill ha... Snyft! Dock kommer jag nog knipa ett exemplar av Stereo rose och eventuellt Petticoat.

In English: At the end of the summer, MAC launches In the groove, which is a kind of a follow-up of last year's mineralize collection Color Craft. The collection consists, among others, of mineralize blushes, MSF, mineralize eyeshadows and cremesheen glasses.

I'm stoked about the colour scheme! This collection has got lots of goodies if MAC nails the mineralize formula this time. The "satin" colour descriptions does feel very appealing if you, like me, don't like last year's glitter bombs - Love to love and Calm, cool & collection looks really pretty. The lipstick Go for it, the cremesheen glass Chillin' and the mineralize blush New vibe sounds interesting aswell! Allthough I have to admit that I get a bit dissapointed every time I see that MAC re-releases old MSF shades but never Lightscapade, which is at the top of the top of my wish list... I will probably pick up Stereo rose and maybe Petticoat, though.

Source: Temptalia, MACKarrie

China Glaze hösten 2010 - Vintage Vixen

I sommar släpper China Glaze sin höstkollektion bestående av två set med skimriga och glittriga nagellack inspirerade av 40-talet - Vintage Vixen. Lacken går i lite dovare och murriga färger, perfekt till hösten!

China Glaze Vintage Vixen
Release date: July 6th 2010 (US), June 6th (International)

For Fall 2010, the China Glaze Vintage Vixen Collection captures the vivid and saturated hues of the 1940’s with this seductively complex palette. These classic shades of the season recreate the timeless tableau of movie land mystique, perfect red pouts and steamy nights where swing was the scene! Step out with these multi-faceted jewel tones, rich reds, titillating taupes and smoldering sands. This collection delivers a high octane 40’s era glamour with a sophisticated edge!

“Cat’s Meow” Six Piece Set
  • Goin’ My Way – Brown frost with copper shimmer
  • Riveter Rouge – Deep red shimmer
  • Classic Camel – Khaki crème with gold micro glitter
  • Emerald Fitzgerald – Turquoise green frost with shimmer
  • Midnight Mission – Navy blue frost with silver micro glitter
  • First Class Ticket – Deep purple frost with shimmer



“Hotsy Totsy” Six Piece Set
  • Jitterbug – Grey chrome with silver micro glitter
  • Bogie – Plum frost with shimmer
  • Hey Doll – Rose frost with shimmer
  • Foxy – Burgundy frost with shimmer
  • Ingrid – “Greige” crème with copper micro glitter
  • Swing Baby – Taupe frost with silver micro glitter




Jag är jättesugen på den här kollektionen, alla färger ser verkligen superfina ut! Goin' my way, Emerald Fitzgerald, Midnight mission, First class ticket, Jitterbug och Ingrid fångade min uppmärksamhet lite extra så dom kommer jag nog att klicka hem så fort tillfälle ges =) Något av lacken som lockar er?




In English: This summer, China Glaze releases their fall collection consisting of two sets of shimmer and micro glitter polishes with shades inspired by the 40's - Vintage Vixen. The shades are darker and muted, perfect for fall!


I'm really excited about this collection, every single shade looks gorgeous! Goin' my way, Emerald Fitzgerald, Midight mission, First class ticket, Jitterbug and Ingrid all caught a bit extra of my attention so I'll probably order these as soon as they are being released =) Do you feel intruged by any of these polishes?


Source: All Lacquered Up


MAC - Superglass collection

I juli släpper MAC ett nytt sorts läppglans - superglass. Superglass är ett glittrigt läppglans, ungefär som dazzleglass fast mycket glittrigare och med flake-glitter istället för reflectsglitter, och mer färgtäckning. Låter hur smarrigt som helst, eller hur!

MAC Superglass
Release date: May 7th 2010 (US/Canada), July (International)

Shattered, decimated, blinded by a fantastic, intergalactic lip light! Just when you thought Dazzleglass was the best-of bright, along comes Superglass, with secret, snowflake-shaped helicone pearls sparkling in three different facets for triple the dazzle! Lips have gone big bang, explosively dimensional, a rare eclipse! Gloss feels slick and sleek on application with no draggy speed bumps, not a hint of grit. A light aroma of vanilla enhances kissability. Extreme innovation that’s a good reflection on MAC and the seductress lucky enough to strike upon it.

Superglass ($18.00 / 210 SEK)
  • Tunnel of Love - Deep blue brown (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Sugar Overload  White beige (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Disco Blend - Light tan (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Sweet Tart - Baby pale pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Gift Wrap - Light pinky peach (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Totally Bang! - Fuchsia (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Cherry Electric - Bright cherry pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Superflash! - Mid-tone yellow pink (Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Fab Frenzy - Deep blue purple (Pearl) (Limited Edition)


Cherry Electric, Disco Blend, Fab Frenzy, Gift Wrap, Sugar Overload,
Superflash!, Sweet Tart, Totally Bang!, Tunnel of Love




Något som låter lockande? Jag är lite sugen på Totally Bang!, Fab Frenzy och Sweet tart!

In English: This summer, MAC releases a new kind of lipgloss - superglass. Superglass is like dazzleglass, but even sparklier(!) with flakie glitter instead of reflects glitter, and has more colour opacity. Sounds delicious, don't you think?

Anything that makes your heart skip a beat? I'm feeling a bit drawn torwards Totally Bang!, Fab frenzy and Sweet tart!

Source: Temptalia

MAC - Alice + Olivia collection

Varje år släpper MAC minst en kollektion ihop med en känd designer. Tidigare har vi sett samarbeten tillsammans med bland annat Alexander McQueen och DSquared2, och i år görs samarbetet ihop med den amerikanska designerduon Alice + Olivia. Desvärre verkar det i dagsläget som att kollektionen endast släpps i USA, Japan och Korea, vilket jag tycker är himla tråkigt. Fler MAC-kollektioner hit till Sverige, tack!

OBS! Denna kollektion kommer tyvärr inte till oss i Europa som det ser ut i dagsläget.

MAC Alice + Olivia
Release date: July 8th 2010 (US), August 2010 (Japan/Korea)

Dazzleglass Creme ($18.00)
  • Sparklicious - Creamy pale pinky white with soft multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)
  • If it’s Pink… - Hot pink with soft multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)
  • I Want Candy - Hot yellow with soft multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)

Pigment ($19.50)
  • Later - Black with transforming purple pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)
  • If It Sparkles… - White with transforming pink pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)
  • Partylicious - Turquoise with silver pearlized pigments (Limited Edition)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00)
  • Morning After - Creamy turquoise (Cream) (Limited Edition)
  • So Rich So Pretty - Bright purple with pearlized pigments (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Military - Black matte with silver suede pearl (Matte with Pearl) (Limited Edition)

OK. Jag MÅSTE lägga vantarna på samtliga tre pigment, dom låter ju hur coola som helst!!!

In English: Each year, MAC launches at least one collection in collaboration with a famous designer. MAC has given us collections in collaboration with Alexander McQueen and DSquared2 among others in the past, and this year, the collaboration is together with the american designer duo Alice + Olivia. Unfortunally, it seems like this collection will only launch in the US, Japan and Korea. Booo!

OK. I NEED to get my hands on all three pigments, they sound awesome!!!

Source: Temptalia

Urban Decay - Sommaren 2010

Ett märke som jag tycker väldigt mycket om, men som vi tyvärr inte har här i Sverige, är amerikanska Urban Decay. I sommar släpper de en kollektion bestående av bland annat ett nagellacksset, en ögonskuggspalett och fyra fixeringssprayer.

Urban Decay summer 2010
Release date: March 30th 2010 (US/Canada)

Summer of Love Eyeshadow Palette ($29.00)
  • Chopper eyeshadow - coppery fawn with silver microglitter
  • Maui Wowie eyeshadow - medium gold with silver glitter
  • Smog eyeshadow - deep coppery bronze
  • Flash eyeshadow - bright iridescent purple
  • Bourbon 24/7 Eye Pencil - brown with teeny gold glitter
  • Sin travel-size Eyeshadow Primer Potion - champagne shimmer

Summer of Love Nail Kit ($28.00)

7 shades of miniature-sized nail polish shades.
  • Shine On - beige sparkle
  • Woodstock - radioactive pink
  • Love Light - baby pink sparkle
  • Hashbry - bright orchid
  • Magic Bus - emergency orange
  • Aquarius - electric teal
  • Psychedelic Sister - bright coral

Urban Defense Tinted Moisturizer ($32.00)

Features light moisture, just enough color coverage, and SPF 20. With just the right amount of tint, light-diffusing pigments diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a youthful finish. The formula is buildable and highly breathable, so reapply as needed to get the coverage you desire. Our custom multi-mineral complex contains magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, lysine, and Vitamins A & E to nourish your skin. Anti-oxidants ginseng root extract and ginkgo biloba leaf extract help protect against free radical damage … like a big bodyguard for your skin.
  • Halo - Light
  • Bodyguard - Medium light
  • Bulletproof - Medium
  • Forcefield - Dark

Guardian Angel Spray Moisturizer with SPF 8 ($26.00)

This superfine mist can actually replace your existing moisturizer. Time release technology ensures that Guardian Angel continues to hydrate over a 24-hour period… probably longer than you actually need it! How does it work? The formula is hygroscopic, meaning it actually attracts and binds water to itself. Even with SPF 8, Guardian Angel feels light as air – no heavy moisturizer feeling. Worn under makeup, it hydrates evenly and creates a perfect base for foundation, allowing for smoother makeup application after misting. The lightweight formula is dermatologist tested, allergy tested, great for sensitive skin, oil-free, paraben-free, and vegan. Reduces the powdery makeup look you can sometimes get from foundation, and gives skin a healthy glow.

Makeup Setting Sprays ($29.00)

What prompted this marriage in makeup-saving heaven? Urban Decay and Skindinavia share a vision: long-lasting makeup. Urban Decay owns the market on pre-makeup prep with our Primer Potion franchise, while Skindinavia has developed an exciting lineup of post-makeup products. We were wowed by their technological expertise and clinical testing. Sure, there are other setting sprays on the market, but Skindinavia pumps their products full of innovative, super-effective ingredients. We worked with the Skindinavia team to identify the proprietary ingredients that best fit the needs of our customers. Together, we came up with three formulations that address shine, dryness and the need for all-night wear (of course).
  • All Nighter - Facebook-ready makeup, all night (or day) long–great for all skin types
  • Dew Me - Cooling effects prevent makeup meltdown; designed for dry/combination skin and those in hot and humid climates
  • De Slick - Keeps oil under control so makeup stays perfect all day; great for oily/combination/acne-prone skin

De-Slick in a Tube ($28.00)

Forever banish a greasy t-zone (or any zone for that matter) with our lightweight gel, developed to keep matte under hot studio lights or in muggy heat. Apply De-Slick after your moisturizer, then wait about 30 seconds to apply foundation. This addicting formula provides unbelievable oil control and absorbing action, is super easy to use, and is miraculous for midday touch-ups.

Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss ($19.00)
  • Max - Meet surfer Max, uber sweet and bashful; he doesn’t mind getting salty or wet, and this pinky nude gloss is ideal for sunset surf sessions.
  • Colin Fireman - Colin really got our temperatures blazin’ with his bravado, and we salute his daring service with a punchy orange-red shade.









Jag är väldigt nyfiken på fixeringssprayerna! Något som lockar er? Urban Decay finns som sagt inte att köpa i Sverige, men kan klickas hem från till exempel brittiska ASOS.



In English: A makeup brand that I'm very fond of, but unfortunaly isn't available in Sweden, is american Urban Decay. This summer, they release a collection consisting of a nail polish set, an eyeshadow palette and four setting sprays, among others.

I'm really curious about those setting sprays! Do you want anything from this collection?


Source: Temptalia


MAC - Trip Collection 2010

Inför varje sommar lanserar MAC en kollektion vid namn Trip som är exklusiv för deras Taxfree-diskar. Tyvärr har vi ingen taxfree-disk här i Sverige, men eftersom det är många som reser utomlands just under sommaren så tänkte jag att lite kollektionsinfo om årets Trip-kollektion kanske kunde vara intressant ändå =)

MAC Trip 2010
Release date: Spring 2010 (Duty free shops exclusive)

Look in a box

Goldie Rocks

  • Naked Lunch Eyeshadow - Minimal pink with shimmer (Frost) (Permanent)
  • Bronze Eyeshadow - Golden brown with golden bronze shimmer (Frost) (Permanent)
  • Golden Bronzer - Healthy tan with subtle golden shimmer (Permanent)
  • Fulfilled Plushglass - Full-blush creamy pink (Permanent)
  • Zoomblack Mini Zoom Lash Mascara - Rich black (Permanent)

Indie Girl
  • Bare Study Paint Pot - Champagne with gold and white pearlized pigments (Frost) (Permanent)
  • Rapidblack Penultimate Liner - Black (Permanent)
  • Softdew Beauty Powder - Dust rose (From Novel Twist)
  • Headliner Lipglass - Light white/pink with gold pearl (Frost) (From Diana Ross)
  • Zoomblack Mini Zoom Lash Mascara - Rich black (Permanent)

  • Showstopper Eyeshadow - Smoked black (Matte) (From All Ages, All Races, All Sexes)
  • Retrospeck Eyeshadow - Beached blonde (Lustre) (Permanent)
  • Greensmoke Eyeshadow - Tarnished olive (Permanent)
  • Blacktrack Fluidline - Solid, flat black (Permanent)
  • Myth Lipstick - Fleshy beige (Satin) (Permanent)
  • Zoomblack Mini Zoom Lash Mascara - Rich black (Permanent)
  • 209SE Brush

Eyeshadow palette

New square compact silhouette with a basic black matte finish featuring the MAC logo.

Warm Eyeshadow

  • Shroom - Soft muted golden beige with opalescent shimmer (Satin) (Permanent)
  • Bagatelle - Neutral beige with yellow frost (Frost) (From D’Bohemia)
  • Expensive Pink - Pink with gold duochrome (Veluxe Pearl) (Permanent)
  • Trax - Vivid-hued violet glazed with bronze (Velvet) (Permanent)
  • Humid - Intense green with shimmer (Frost) (Permanent)
  • Embark - Deep rich brown-black (Matte) (Permanent)

Cool Eyeshadow

  • Filament - Platinum silver (Lustre) (Permanent)
  • Mink Pink - Neutral soft pink (Veluxe) (Discontinued)
  • Flirty Number - Brown plum (Frost) (From Lingerie)
  • Little Minx - Plum with pink duochrome (Frost) (From Rebel Rock)
  • Flashtrack - Bright midnight blue with silver reflective pearlized particles (Veluxe Pearl) (Permanent)
  • Carbon - Intense black (Matte) (Permanent)

Total face kit

New double-decker compact featuring a quad pan payout on top and a large powder pan on bottom.

  • Shell Cream Colour Base - Soft muted pinkish-beige with icy shimmer (Frost) (Permanent)
  • Secret Ceremony Cream Colour Base - Dark nude (Exclusive to Palette)
  • Rose Hips Lipglass - Pink (Exclusive to Palette)
  • Stripped Lipglass - Coral (Exclusive to Palette)
  • Belightful Iridescent Pressed Powder - Gilded peach bronze (From Fafi for MAC)

Dazzleglass trio

  • Like Venus Dazzleglass - light bubblegum pink with red pearl (Permanent)
  • Sugarrimmed Dazzleglass - milky pale pink with pearl (Permanent)
  • Smile Dazzleglass - light coral with pink and pearl (Permanent)

Cremesheen trio

  • Creme d' Nude Cremesheen lipstick - pale, muted peachy beige (Permanent)
  • Speed Dial Cremesheen lipstick - light blueish pink (Permanent)
  • Modesty Cremesheen lipstick - muted neutral pink (Permanent)

Eye liner trio

  • Rapidblack Penultimate Liner - true black (Permanent)
  • Black Russian Pearlglide liner - black with navy blue glitter (From Suite Array)
  • Graphblack Technakohl - rich black (Permanent)

Zoom lash trio

  • 3 x Zoomblack Zoomlash mascara - black (Permanent)

Brush sets

Define and Blend

  • Zip-up carrying case with inner pocket - polka dot pattern
  • 129 SE - Powder/Blush Brush
  • 190 SE - Foundation Brush
  • 209 SE - Eye Liner Brush
  • 219 SE - Pencil Brush
  • 252 SE - Large Shader Brush

Shape and Perfect
  • Zip-up carrying case with inner pocket - white gingham pattern
  • 168 SE - Large Angled Contour Brush
  • 187 SE - Duo Fibre Brush
  • 194 SE - Concealer Brush
  • 212 SE - Flat Definer
  • 275 SE - Medium Angled Shading Brush


Look in a box: Goldie rocks:

Fulfilled plushglass, naked lunch eyeshadow, bronze eyeshadow, zoom lash mascara, golden bronzing powder




Look in a box: Indie girl:

Headliner lipglass, bare study paint pot, zoom lash mascara, penultimate liner, softdew beauty powder




Look in a box: Gothette:

Myth lipstick, Retrospeck eyeshadow, showstopper eyeshadow, greensmoke eyeshadow, zoomlash mascara, blacktrack fluidline, 209SE brush



Warm eyeshadow palette:

Shroom, Bagatelle, Expensive pink

Trax, Embark, Humid




Cool eyeshadow palette:

Filament, Mink pink, Carbon

Little Minx, Flirty number, Flashtrack



Total face kit:

Bottom deck: Belightful Iridescent Pressed Powder

Top deck: Shell CCB, Secret cermony CCB, Stripped lipglass, Rose hips lipglass



Dazzleglass trio:

Sugarrimmed, Smile, Like venus




Cremesheen trio:

Creme d' nude, Speed dial, Modesty




Eye liner trio:

Penultimate liner, Black russian pearlglide liner, Graphblack technakohl




Zoom lash trio




Define and blend brush kit:

129SE, 190SE, 252SE, 219SE, 209SE




Shape and perfect brush kit:

187SE, 168SE, 275SE, 212SE, 194SE



Tyvärr har jag inga prisuppgifter på kiten eftersom det varierar från land till land, men generellt set så brukar kiten vara väldigt prisvärda och speciellt vid taxfree-diskarna där priserna är lägre överlag. Något som kommer locka er vid en utlandsresa i sommar? Jag ska nog tyvärr inte åka någonstans, men gothette-boxen, dazzleglasstrion, läspptiftstrion och shape and perfect brush kit hade jag nog dreglat rejält över om jag hade fått möjlighet!




In English: Every summer, MAC launches a collection named Trip, exclusive for their duty free shops. Unfortunally, Sweden doesn't have a duty free MAC counter, but since there are many of you that will go abroad on vacation this summer, I thought that some collection info about this year's Trip collection might be interesting anyway =)

Unfortunally, I don't have any prices on the products since it varies from place to place, but overall these kits usually are well worth their money, and especially at the duty free counters where the prices are lower overall. Anything you'll be checking out when travelling this summer? Unfortunally, I probably won't go anywhere this summer, but I would probably have drooled a lot over the gothette box, the dazzleglass trio, lipstick trio and the shape and perfect brush kit if I had the opportunity!

For my US readers: MAC recently launched last year's Trip collection at their US website if you missed out on that one!


Source: Temptalia, Makeup and Beauty blog

MAC - Opulash mascara

I sommar lanserar MAC ytterligare en ny volymmascara; Opulash. Mascaran har en medelstor/stor borste med smal tipp, vilket gör det lätt som en plätt att komma åt även de inre fransarna, och den ska ge både volym, böj och separera fransarna på en gång.

MAC Opulash mascara
Release date: May 27 2010 (US/Canada), June 2010 (International)

THE BIGGEST, BADDEST, BOUFFANT LASHES EVER ARE MAKING NOISE WITH THEIR SEXY SWEEP… the most extremevolumization ever seen! Just like going to your hairdresser for the boldest Barbarella blowout you’d ever dare to wear, Opulash creates aesthetic extremes when it gets going, for a dramatic end look. It’s all in the brush: enlarged and engineered to grab roots, lift, hold, replicate, exaggerate, and build-out like an architect intent on astounding with structural sleight-of-hand. Pick up the brush – see it volumize and curl – and you’ll know the difference. Large diameter backs you up, tapered front tip makes inner corners sleeker to reach. Needless to say, no clumping or Spider-Woman Syndrome. Superlative separation, sublime innovation: Everything a M•A•C Artist lives for!

Opulash ($13.00 / 155 SEK)

* Bad, Bad Black - Black




Jag är nyfiken! Det låter som att det här kan vara ett mellanting mellan Plush lash och Studio fix lash, så för er som inte gillar den gigantiska borsten på Plush lash så kanske den här passar er bättre. Själv älskar jag feta borstar, ju större desto bättre nästan. Den här mascaran kommer nog lanseras lagom tills det är dags för mig att köpa ny mascara, så det blir nog ett köp för min del!




In English: This summer, MAC launches yet another volume mascara; Opulash. The mascara has got a medium/large sized wand with a narrow tip, which makes it easy to reach even the lashes in the inner corner of the eye. The mascara is described to give both volume, curl and separation in one stroke.


I'm really curious about this one! It sounds like it could be a mix between Plush lash and Studio fix lash, so for those of you who don't like the humongous brush on Plush lash, this might suit you better. Myself, I love fat wands, the bigger the better! This mascara will launch about when it's time for me to get a new mascara, so I'll probably pick up a tube!


Source: Temptalia

Zoya Flash and Sparkle

Zoya är ett av mina favoritmärken när det kommer till nagellack. Urtjusiga färger, lättlackade, snabbtorkande och hållbara. Tyvärr är det lite småknepigt att få tag i Zoya i Sverige (det finns dock en butik i Göteborg som säljer Zoya), och min hovleverantör Trans Design har tyvärr inte märket i sitt sortiment så det blir att beställa från eBay för min del. Nåja, det fungerar ju det med, och årets sommarkollektion Flash and Sparkle från Zoya är något jag definitivt kommer spana närmare på när den släppts!

Zoya har lite av en tradition att lansera sommarkollektioner i två delar som balanserar varandra. Förra året var det Truth or Dare, med vampiga respektive lättburna och oskyldiga lack, och Flash and Sparkle består av två av årets heta trender när det kommer till nagellack: krämiga pastellack och galna glitterlack.

Zoya Flash and Sparkle
Release date: April 2010

Flash Collection
  • Robyn - perfect turquoise cream
  • Perrie – soft lavender cream
  • Dana – american rose cream
  • Jolene – summer pink cream
  • Maura – electric crimson cream
  • Jancyn – soft tangerine cream

Sparkle Collection

  • Ivanka – mermaid green sparkling metallic
  • Charla – tropical blue sparkling metallic
  • Mimi – royal purple sparkling metallic
  • Alegra – fuchsia pink sparkling metallic
  • Nidhi – rich red sparkling metallic
  • Gilda – fashion pink sparkling metallic

Den suveräna svenska nagellack-prenumerationstjänsten Nail Mail tog in Truth or Dare förra året, så jag håller tummarna att så även blir fallet i år med Flash and Sparkle!

Vilka lack är ni sugna på? Jag suktar främst efter glitterlacken tror jag eftersom jag beställde en hel del pasteller från China Glaze-kollektionen Up and Away. Ivanka, Charla, Mimi och Nidhi är jag riktigt nyfiken på!

In English: Zoya is one of my favourite nail polish brands. Gorgeous colours, easy to work with, fast drying and durable. Unfortunally, Zoya is a bit hard to come by in Sweden (there is a shop in Gothenburg that sells them for an outrageous price though), and my usual supplier Trans Design doesn't have Zoya in their range so I have to order them off eBay. Oh well, I guess that works for me, and this year's summer collection Flash and Sparkle is definately something I will have a closer look on once it have been released!

Zoya have a bit of a tradition to launch summer collections in tow parts that balance each other. Last year was Truth or Dare, with vampy and innocent polishes respectively, and Flash and Sparkle consists of two of this year's nail polish trends: creamy pastels and crazy glitter polishes.

Are you curious about any of the polishes from this collection? I'm mostly all over the glitters since I ordered quite a few pastels from the China Glaze collection Up and Away. I really want to take a closer look at Ivanka, Charla, Mimi and Nidhi!

Source: All Lacquered Up


China Glaze sommaren 2010 - Poolside

Inför varje sommar brukar China Glaze släppa en kollektion med starka färger. Förra årets kollektion Kicks var faktiskt det som fick mig att fastna så för nagellack! I år heter sommarkollektionen Poolside, och består av sex stycken neon-lack.

China Glaze Poolside
Release date: April 1st 2010

Lounging poolside, sipping on a drink and reading the latest magazine…makes you think of Summer doesn’t it? The only thing missing is that perfect manicure and pedicure! Dip into the summer with some of the brightest and most amazing neons from the China Glaze Poolside collection! Perfect for fingers, and especially the toes, nothing says Summer of 2010 like a couple coats of bright polish! The 6 colors in the Poolside collection include:

  • Pool Party - Neon Pink
  • Flip Flop Fantasy - Neon Coral
  • Sun Worshipper - Neon Orange
  • Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - Neon Yellow
  • Kiwi Cool-Ada - Neon Green
  • Towel Boy Toy - Neon Blue

Scrangie har redan swatchat färgerna, och lacken är beräknade att släppas nu någon gång under våren. Jag har läst februari i vissa bloggar och första april hos andra, men det blir väl till att hålla utkik hos transdesign helt enkelt =) Jag vill ha kiwi-coolada, sun worshiper och yellow polka dot bikini! Tänk på att neonlack har en tendens att torka till en halvmatt finish, så ett bra överlack är bra att ha till dessa.

Update: Fick nyss pressinformation om kollektionen från China Glaze: den är beräknad att släppas den första april =)

In English: Each summer, China Glaze usually launches a collection with bright colours. Last year's collection Kicks was acctually the thing that made me crazy about nail polish! This year's summer collection is called Poolside, and consists of six neon polishes.

Scrangie has already swatched the shades, and they will launch some time during this spring. I've read everything between february and april in different blogs, so I guess I'll have to keep a lookout at transdesign =) I want kiwi-coolada, sun worshiper and yellow polka dot bikini! Bear in mind that neons tends to dry to a semi-matte finish, so make sure to use a good top coat with these.

Update: I just got some press info from China Glaze: The collection will launch on April 1st!

Image Source: Polish Pixie

MAC - Prep for colour collection

I april kommer en lite mindre MAC-kollektion med fokus på prep+prime-serien. Delar av den här kollektionen är exklusiv för asien, så i detta inlägg har jag endast tagit med de produkter som kommer till oss i väst.

MAC Prep for colour
Release date: April 1st 2010 (US/Canada), April 2010 (International)

“Artists use watercolour, oil, chalk, pastel, pencil, ink. We use makeup. Both require a bold vision and a perfectly primed canvas to start. New innovations to ensure the Artist’s idyll is perfectly realized: Prep + Prime Skin Brightening Serum evens out any skin tone and Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50 helps stop future damage with ultimate determination. The state-of-the-art way to prepare skin for a flawless makeup application. Prep for Colour helps every skin type become a modern masterpiece.”

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • Just Add Colour - Fuchsia pink (Frost)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 160 SEK)

  • Hey - Warm mid-tone beige (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Prepped for Glamour - Ashy/dirty brown (Frost)
  • Sorcery - Reddish mid-tone brown (Satin)

Prep + Prime Skin Brightening Serum ($40.00)

  • A serum formulated to ins tantly brighten, smooth, firm, and hydrate the skin while providing a plumper, more evenly toned finish to the complexion. Natural antioxidants help to strengthen the skin against UV-related damage, while M·A·C Charged Water ensures deep, long-lasting hydration.

Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50 ($30.00)

Jag tror inte jag kommer köpa något från den här kollektionen, det enda som ser lite spännande ut är ögonskuggan sorcery och den har jag faktiskt redan i min palett från den senaste julkollektionen =) Spana in den om ni inte redan har den, den är jättefin!

In English:
In april, MAC launches a smaller collection that focuses on the prep+prime series. Parts of this collection is Asia exclusive, so I've only included the products that will be available in Europe and the US in this entry.

I'll probably skip this collection, the only thing that looks exciting is the eyeshadow sorcery which I acctually already have in my palette from the latest holiday collection =) Make sure to check it out if you don't have it, it's gorgeous!

Source: Chic Profile

MAC - Tabloid Beauty collection

I mars släpps kollektionen Tabloid beauty från MAC, där man har valt att enbart re-promota produkter ur det permanenta sortimentet.

MAC Tabloid Beauty
Release date: February 25th 2010 (US/Canada), March 2010 (International)

“Secrets revealed! Blind items on Page Six. Which model was seen looking spectacular leaving which mogul’s Manhattan penthouse in full makeup and evening wear at 7 a.m.?
Everyone loves the sizzle, the guilty pleasure of getting the gossip and the real story. Our M?A?C Tabloid Beauty lineup is full of outlandish claims and shocking statistics – and they’re all TRUE! Our headlines are all amazing, all scientifically proven.

Hot off the presses: Prep + Prime Line Filler improves firmness and visible lifting, with visibly diminished lines in eight weeks! Prep + Prime Skin Refined Zone immediately reduces the appearance of visible pores over time, reduces clogged pores by 25%, shrinking the appearance of pore size by almost two-thirds! 26% improvement in smoothness and skin tone, 24% reduction in sebum, 32% reduction in the appearance of pore size! Plush Lash boasts 112% increase in fullness, 125% increase in curl! Penultimate Eye Liner is extremely long-wearing – 12 hours! And Pro Longwear Lipcolour is non-transfer fixed, with no feathering for a full 8-hour day! And it’s all TRUE!”

Pro Longwear Lustre Lip Colour ($21.00) (Permanent)
  • Jazzy-y-razz - Dirty plum with pearl
  • Lushious - Soft peach with gold pearl
  • Night Rose - Rich plum with gold pearl
  • Boss Brown - Chocolate bronze with pearl
  • Betwixt - Rich copper-red with pearl
  • Sappho - Fine wine

Pro Longwear Lip Colour ($21.00) (Permanent)

  • Clingpeach - Shimmering peach
  • Commitment - Rich reddened brown
  • Durashell - Soft pink with gold pearl
  • For Keeps - Rose-plum with iridescence
  • Lasting Lust - Smoldering red
  • Loyal - Warmed beiged brown
  • Passion Preserved - Subdued brick red
  • Perennial Rose - Dusty pink with gold pearl
  • Stuck on You - Berry-red with gold pearl
  • Unchanging - Soft neutral lilac pink

Penultimate Eyeliner ($16.50 / 180 SEK)
  • Rapidblack - True black (Permanent)

Plushlash ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
  • Plushblack - True black (Permanent)
  • Brownette - Chocolate brown (Permanent)

Prep + Prime Line Filler ($19.50)
  • A primer used post-foundation, pre-makeup to camouflage, soften and relax expressssion lines and wrinkles. AppAppApplies as a densnse cream: dries to a transpnspnsparent, smooth, natural matte finish. With ongoing use, clinically proven to help rejuvenate your look. (Permanent)

Prep + Prime Skin Refined Zone Treatment ($19.50)

  • This partial primer is a lightweight, oil-free, soy-based emulsion that ins tantly helps cloak visible pores while helping to control excess surface oil and shine. (Permanent)





Jag tycker det är lite tråkigt med dom här kollektionerna med enbart permanenta produkter... Någon liten ny eller LE-produkt kan dom väl slänga in?! Den här kollektionen kommer jag att skippa.



In English: In march, MAC launches the Tabloid Beauty collection, containing permanent products only.

I think it's a bit boring with these collection with all permanent products... Couldn't they at least have added one new or LE product?! I'll join team NO for this collection.



Source: Chic Profile


MAC - Pret á Papier collection

I maj landar en kollektion inspirerad av mode skapat av papper i MAC-diskarna världen över. Pret á papier heter kollektionen, och innehåller mestadels basprodukter i naturnära färger, med några väl utvalda färgklickar här och var.

MAC Pret á Papier
Release date: April 22nd 2010 (US/Canada), May 2010 (International)

Craft Paper Couture – an inspired idea cut like a pattern and whipped up into a frisky little “funny face” frock. Then, strip it back to its essence for Summer 2010 for a Pret-a-Papier colour collection. It was a Project Runway challenge of sorts, with paper as the source, the instigator of ideas, the beginning of something simply, basically beautiful. Lipstick, LipGlass, Eye Shadow, Paint Pot, Chromografic Pencil, Studio Fix Lash, Impeccable Brow Pencil, Sheertone and Mineralize Blushes, and Nail Lacquer in a seamless spectrum of parchment-to-vellum beiges, with an occasional, clever colour spill, coral among the most au courant.”

Chromagraphic Pencil ($14.50)
  • NC15/NW20 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)
  • NW25/NC30 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)

Impeccable Brow Pencil ($15.00)
  • Dirty Blonde - Blackened dark neutral-brown (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Taupe - Mid-tone dirty taupe (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Studio Fix Lash ($13.00 / 155 SEK)

  • Black Fix - Black (Permanent)

Blush ($18.50 / 215 SEK)
  • Instant Chic - Mid-tone muted coral (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)
  • Garb - Light golden suntan (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)

Mineralize Blush ($23.00 / 265 SEK)
  • Light Over Dark - Light yellow brown / dark peach (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Paint Pot ($16.50 / 190 SEK)
  • Coral Crepe - Soft coral (Limited Edition)
  • Groundwork - Mid-tone neutral taupe (Permanent)

Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
  • Archetype - Sheer light gold (Lustre) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Dressmaker, Dressmaker - Creamy light peach coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Made to Order - Creamy mid-tone dirty coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Kraft - Creamy mid-tone warm brown (Amplified) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
  • C-Thru - Peachy beige with shimmer (Permanent)
  • Fold and Tuck - Mid-tone bright coral with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Pret-a-Papier - Dark reddened bronze with pearl (Limited Edition)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
  • Tissue Weight - Frosted pale peach (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Bamboo - Light beige with peach (Matte) (Permanent)
  • Cut to Fit - Frosted red bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Gazette Grey - Dark green-grey with gold pearl (Velvet) (Limited Edition)
  • Memorabilia - Dirty purple (Matte) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)

  • Brown Bag - Mid-tone warm dirty beige (Cream) (Limited Edition)
  • Originality - Sparkly copper bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Chromagraphic pencils: NC15/NW20, NW25/NC30

Impeccable brow pencils: Dirty blonde, taupe

Studio fix lash

Blush: Instant chic, Garb

Mineralize blush: Light over dark

Paint pots: Coral crepe, Groundwork

Lipstick: Archetype, Kraft, Dressmaker Dressmaker, Made to order

Lipglass: C-thru, Fold and tuck, Pret-a-papier

Eyeshadow: Tissue weight, Bamboo, Cut to fit, Gazette grey, Memorabilia

Nail lacquer: Brown bag, Originality

Vad gillar ni den här kollektionen? Färgschemat är trevligt tycker jag, om än lite tråkigt. Ögonskuggorna memorabilia och gazette grey lockar mig mest, och chromagraphic pencil i NC15/NW20. Jag har lite svårt för kritvita pennor på vattenlinjen för att ge ett intryck av ett större och öppnare öga, det blir liksom för starkt mot mina ögon, så den här kommer nog se betydligt mjukare ut!

In English: In may, a collection inspired by craft paper cotoure reaches the MAC counters all over the world. It's called Pret á papier and contains mostly basic products in neutral, toned down colours with a few well chosen spots of colour.

What do you think about this collection? I like the color scheme, allthough it is a bit "meh". The eyeshadows memorabilia and gazette grey catched my eye, and chromagraphic pencil in NC15/NW20. I'm not too fond of wearing stark white pencils on my waterline to create the impression of a more awake eye, it's too hars against my eyes, so this will probably create a softer result!

Source: Chic Profile

MAC - Art Supplies collection

I April släpper MAC en kollektion inspirerad av konstnärsmaterial och pennor. Flera nya nyanser av höstens stora hit greasepaint sticks lanseras tillsammans med några nya nyanser av de glittriga pearlglidepennorna, samt en helt ny produkt för läpparna - lip stain markers, som är i princip som en tuschpenna fylld med lip stain.

OBS! Denna kollektion kommer tyvärr inte till oss i Sverige.

MAC Art Supplies
Release date: April 1st 2010 (US/Canada), April 2010 (International)

“Just as Art Supplies for Eyes invokes the vision, Art Supplies for Lips speaks to the ultimate in sensuality….Luscious lips drawn from innovative new Lipstain Markers and Pencils to use like a modern multi-media artist would – design and discover! Incorporating the concept of art tools into the world of M·A·C makeup, these pencils and markers create dramatically different lip looks. New Pro Longwear Lipstain Marker has the doodle-fun of a “pen,” but with sophisticated, light and long-wearing results. It’s all about artistic freedom!”

Pro Longwear Lipstain Marker ($16.00)

A lightweight lip stain featuring the look and delivery of a color marker. With its felt-tip nib, it goes on with precision to deliver a sheer, instantly absorbed flush of color that can last all night. Fills, defines and layers for more color when wanted. No need for lip liner. All limited edition.
  • Full of Flare - Bright yellow coral
  • Stylesetter - Hot pink
  • A Classic - Rose red
  • Purposefully Red - Dirty red coral
  • Modern Mocha - Light brown
  • Point of View - Light neutral
  • Tomorrow’s Coral - Mid-tone blue red
  • Runway Ripened - Berry plum red
  • Sunset - Coral brown

Greasepaint Stick ($17.50)
  • Greengrease - Blackened forest green
  • Zinc Zone - Dark gunmetal
  • Slick Black - True carbon black
  • Dirty - Blackened taupe with pearl
  • Brown, Now - Blackened burgundy
  • Below Ground - Blackened bronze
  • Uniformly Blue - Blackened navy
  • Charred Mauve - Blackened violet

Pearlglide Intense Eyeliner ($14.50)

An eye pencil that provides rich, luxurious color with a touch of shimmer and sparkle. Soft, smooth, creamy formula glides on for a perfectly intense line, yet its soft texture allows you to blend. Long-wearing, smudge-proof.
  • Almost Noir - Dirty plum
  • Designer Purple - Iridescent violet
  • Petrol Blue - Deep navy
  • Undercurrent - Blue teal
  • Industrial - Periwinkle grey
  • Black Line - True black

Lipglass ($14.00)
  • Clear - Clear










Suck. Jag är verkligen jätteledsen över att den här kollektionen inte kommer till Sverige, jag älskar greasepaint sticks och pearlglidepennorna, och jag är enormt sugen på lipstainpennorna! =( Tur att jag har en langare borta i det stora landet i väst... Lipstainpennorna purposefully red och full of flare, greasepaint sticksen greengrease, zinc zone och slick black samt pearlglidepennan undercurrent står högt upp på min önskelista!

In English: MAC launches a collection in april inspired by artist supplies and pens. Several new shades of the popular greasepaint sticks are being launched together with some new shades of the glittery pearlglide pencils, and a new product is released for the lips - lip stain markers.

Sigh. I'm really bummed about the fact that this collection won't come to Sweden, I love the greasepaint sticks and pearlglide pencils, and I'm dying to try out the lip stain markers! =( Thank god I've found a sweet gal who can do CP's for me in the US! Lipstain markers purposefully red and full of flare, greasepaint sticks greengrease, zinc zone and slick black plus the pearlglide pencil undercurrent are all at the top of my wish list!

Source: Chic profile, Makeup for life

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