Det har cirkulerat rykten ett tag om att MAC ska göra en kollektion med katt-tema. Ryktena har visat sig vara sanna - i höst släpper märket en gigantisk kollektion i tre delar, inspirerade av tre olika kattdjur; Palace pedigreed, leopard luxe och burmese beauty.
MAC Fabulous Felines
Release date: Fall 2010 (US/Canada), September 2010 (International)

Part 1: Palace Pedigreeed
Palace Pedigreeed Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
- Courtly Life - Frosted mute light beige (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Palace Pedigreed - Deep berry with soft pink pearl (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Quite Spoiled - Mid-tone neutral mauve (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Russian Blue - Deep neutral grey (Matte) (Limited Edition)
Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.
- Nocturnal - Bright silver pearl (Limited Edition)
- Smoky Noir - Dark blue violet with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
- Signature Blue - Dark navy with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)
- Bloodline - Dark dirty browned purple (Limited Edition)
- Mauvement - Cool taupe with gold pearlized pigments (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Rushmetal)
Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
- Plushblack - True black (Permanent)
Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
- Superior - Sheer lavender pink with dazzle pink pearl (Potentially Dazzle Finish) (Limited Edition)
- Of Royalty - Light creamy blue pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
- Aristo-cat - Mid-tone frosted purple mauve (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Cunning - Dark berry (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
- Docile - Dirty lavender with pearl (Limited Edition)
- Best of Breed - Light dirty blue with pearl (Limited Edition)
- Lap of Luxury - Dark eggplant with pearl (Limited Edition)
Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
- Beurre - Dirtied plum (Cream) (Permanent)
Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)
- Pet Me - Light yellow pink with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
Part 2: Leopard LuxeLeopard Luxe Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
- Wild by Nature - Mid-tone camel (Matte) (Limited Edition)
- Style Predator - Frosted mid-tone yellow orange (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
- Notoriety - Mid-tone brown with gold pearl (Velvet) (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)
- Furiously Fabulous - Frosted warm black (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)
Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.
- Pure Snow - Bright yellow gold pearl (Limited Edition)
- For Glamour - Mid-tone grey with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
- On the Hunt - True black (Limited Edition)
Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
- Plushblack - True black (Permanent)
Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
- Out-Minxed - Light yellow (Glaze) (Limited Edition)
- Drive Me Wild - Mid-tone warm coral with gold pearl (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
- Powerful - Mid-tone bronze with dazzle multi-pearl (Dazzle) (Limited Edition)
- The Prowl - Creamy dark chocolate (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
- A Quiet Roar - Pale white gold (Limited Edition)
- Schemer - Mid-tone yellow camel with red and gold pearl (Limited Edition)
- Wildly Refined - Mid-tone coral with gold pearl (Limited Edition)
Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
- Creamola - Low-down tan (Cream) (Permanent)
- Cremekiss - Clean apricot coral (Cream) (Limited Edition)
Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)
- Utterly Game - Warm peach with soft pearl
Part 3: Burmese BeautyBurmese Beauty Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
- Prized Pale - yellow beige (Satin)(Limited Edition)
- Skintone 2 - Mid-tone gold (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Makeup Art Cosmetics)
- Burmese Beauty - Frosted brown green (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Showstopper - Soft smoked black (Matte) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Superslick Liquid Eyeliner (New Product) ($17.50)Superslick liquid eyeliner is an innovative dip liquid liner with intense colour payoff and a high level of coverage and allows for quick and precise application. The flexible flocked “magic tip” of the applicator is extremely easy to control. Let your eyes sparkle with this supr shiny, super long-wear and water-resistant eyeliner.
- Desires & Devices - Sparkling dark green
- Definitely Feline - Chocolate brown with soft pearl
- Treat Me Nice - Emerald green with soft pearl
Pigment ($19.50 / 225 SEK)
- Gold Stroke - Mid-tone chocolate brown with red pearl (Repromote)
- Antique Green - Turquoise green with green pearlized pigments (Repromote)
Plushlash Mascara ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
- Plushblack - True black (Permanent)
Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
- Pet Me Please - Frosted light dirty mauve (Frost)
- To Pamper - Creamy mid-tone taupe (Lustre)
- Liquid - Light yellow green with dazzle multi-pearl (Dazzle)
- Kittenish - Deep red berry (Cremesheen)
Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
- Spree - Pink champagne taupe
- Jealous - Light dirty green with pearl
- Fancy Cat - Dark dirty brown with pearl
Cremestick Liner ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
- Velvetella - Blackened plum (Cream) (Permanent)
Mineralize Blush ($21.00 / 220 SEK)
- The Soft Meow - Mid-tone golden bronze with soft pearl
Palace Pedigreed

Leopard Luxe

Burmese Beauty
Phew! Snacka om en stor kollektion! Jag skulle gärna vilja ha det mesta, jag är ju trots allt en crazy cat lady, men i dagsläget känner jag mig mest sugen på superslick eyeliners och pigmentet antique green. Det kommer bli mycket swatchande för min del innan jag kommer kunna bestämma mig för vad jag vill ha!
In English: There have been rumours flying around for a while that MAC will make a cat themed collection. The rumours have proven to be true - this fall, the brand releases a huge collection in three parts, inspired by three cat breeds; Palace pedigreed, leopard luxe and burmese beauty.
Phew, talk about a huge collection! I would love to get most of this collection, I am a crazy cat lady after all, but right now I'm feeling mostly drawn towards the superslick eyeliners and the pigment antique green. There will be a lot of swatching for me before I will be able to decide on what to get!
Source: Temptalia, Specktra, Chic Profile