In English: Hawaiian Tropic instantly makes me think of tropical beaches with palm trees, white sand and a turquoise sea. I know that there are some people who really don't like the scent of their products but I love coconut so they are right up my alley. Plus, they have a huge range in their SPF products, from sun oil with SPF4 to sun lotion with SPF50, and also quite a few after sun products and lip balm with SPF.
As from this spring, Hawaiian Tropic have re-designed their sun products in new and pretty packaging. I think they did very well with the new design, the old bottles made me think of oiled, über-tanned muscle men wearing speedos for some reason…
The sun dares to come out more and more here in Sweden (yay!) so it's time to start testing sunscreen and after sun products! I'm mostly curious about the facial sunscreen and the after sun body butter. I'll be reviewing some Hawaiian Tropic shortly!
bareMinerals är en komplett makeupserie baserad på 100 % rena mineraler. De mineralbaserade produkterna är fria från konserveringsmedel, parfym, stabiliseringsmedel, mineraloljor, syntetiska färgämnen, parabener och andra kemiska ingredienser som kan verka irriterande på känslig eller oren hud. Produkterna är ej testade på djur.
Anna N (vänster) och Anna A (höger) demonstrerar två av sommarens största makeuptrender - pasteller och den klassiska sotningen.
Anna N (left) and Anna A (right) demonstrates two of this summer's make up trends - pastels and the classic smoky eye.
Anna A, Anna N och de två färdiga modellerna; Emelie (pasteller) och Caroline (sotning)
Anna A, Anna N and the two finished models, Emelie (pastel look) and Caroline (smoky eye look)
Pastell-looken på Emelie. Produkterna som användes var:
SPF15 foundation, Bisque SPF20 concealer, Flawless radiance (som en highlighter på kindbenen), Prime time eyelid primer, Lilac vibe eyeshadow (som highlighter på brynbenet), Alazea blush (på kinder och det rörliga ögonlocket), Eyebrow color, Wild jungle eyeliner blandad med vatten, Flawless definition mascara i svart, Twig lip liner, Passion fruit lipstick, Shortcake lipgloss.
Pastel look on Emelie. Products used:
SPF15 foundation, Bisque SPF20 concealer, Flawless radiance (as a highlighter on the cheekbones), Prime time eyelid primer, Lilac vibe eyeshadow (as a highlighter on the brow bone), Alazea blush (on the cheeks and on the eyelid), Eyebrow color, Wild jungle eyeliner mixed with water, Flawless definition mascara in black, Twig lip liner, Passion fruit lipstick, Shortcake lipgloss.
Klassisk sotning på Caroline. Produkterna som användes var:
Fairly light SPF15 foundation, bisque SPF20 concealer, bare radiance (som highlighter på kindben), Prime time eyelid primer, Queen Tiffany eyeshadow (i globlinjen och längs undre fransraden), Coffee bean eyeliner (applicerad både torr och blöt på ögonlocket och längs undre fransraden), Dark blonde/Medium brown eyebrow color, Espresso big & healthy eyeliner (längs både övre och undre fransrad och vattenlinje), Thistel lip pencil, Sweet apricot lipstick, Espresso flawless definition mascara.
Smoky eye look on Caroline. Products used:
Fairly light SPF15 foundation, bisque SPF20 concealer, bare radiance (as a highlighter on the cheekbones), Prime time eyelid primer, Queen Tiffany eyeshadow (in the crease and along the lower lash line), Coffee bean eyeliner (applied dry and wet as an eyeshadow on the lid and along the lower lash line), Dark blonde/Medium brown eyebrow color, Espresso big & healthy eyeliner (along both upper and lower waterline and lashline), Thistel lip pencil, Sweet apricot lipstick, Espresso flawless definition mascara.
bareMinerals två egna borstrengöringar - quick change (brush cleanser i sprayform) och well-cared for (djuprengörande och återfuktande schampo).
bareMinerals brush cleansers - quick change (spray-on brush cleanser) and well-cared for (conditioning deep cleansing shampoo).
Enligt mina egna erfarenheter och kunskaper så är en annan anledning till att vissa personer reagerar på just bM's foundations att de innehåller Bismuth oxychloride, som många kan få problem med då det har en tendens att klia i ansiktet när det blir varmt, speciellt om man har känslig hy. Bismuth är den ingrediens som ger ett "glow" till mineralfoundationen och hjälper till att hålla det på plats i ansiktet under dagen, så länge man ser till att buffa in produkten ordentligt i huden vid applicering. Så vet du med dig att du har en känslig hy eller har fått hudproblem efter att du har börjat använda mineralfoundation, se till att läsa innehållsförteckningen på produkten och gör ett allergitest på en liten bit hud innan du börjar använda eller fortsätter att använda produkten!
Innehållet i goodiebagen - prov på SPF15 foundation, en pytteliten kabukiborste, SPF30 natural sunscreen i färgen medium.
Contents of the goodie bag - SPF15 foundation sample, itty bitty kabuki brush, SPF30 natural sunscreen in medium.
Kabukiborste i miniformat - hur söt som helst!
Tiny kabuki brush - so cute!!
In English: This morning I was invited to a press meeting arranged by bareMinerals at Dermarome in Stockholm. We were served breakfast, a make-up demonstration and presentation of this summer's new products from the brand, which is the world leading brand in mineral makeup. Unfortunately, I managed to forget to bring my camera, but I snapped some pictures with my phone!
The press meeting started with us helping ourself to some super yummy breakfast consisting of sandwiches, smoothies, juices, coffee, tea and fruit, and then the two bareMinerals trainers Anna N. and Anna A. started to demonstrate two of this summer makeup trends.
Anna N. showed a tone-on-tone pastel pink makeup made with products from the new Face fashion kit "fab fresh" on the model Emelie, and Anna A. showed a variation on the classic smoky eye on the model Caroline with products from the permanent product line. The Fab fresh kit consists of products that you can use together to create an entire look with and contains two eye shadows, a loose eyliner, one blush and one lip gloss, as well as instructions on how to use them together. Since the products are made out of loose pure minerals, you can also use the blush as eye shadow, eye shadow as eyeliner, etc. if you wish.
During the make-up demonstration, we got the opportunity to ask questions about bareMinerals products and get tips and advice on application techniques, brushes and so on. One of the questions that came up was why some people's skin reacts to bareMinerals products, like with acne or irritated skin, and whether it was due to the buffing of the the product into the skin. My personal opinion of the bareMinerals brushes is that they are very rough and not that gentle on the skin, and this is probably due to the fact that they partly are made out of pony hair which is quite rough, so I acctually avoid the bM brushes when I apply mineral foundation. The answer to our question about the skin reactions was that bM products contains zinc oxide, which is an anti-inflammatory and healing substance (which also works great as a nautral sunscreen), so when some people start using it, the skin reacts by cleaning out the skin of waste products and so on, and is why they get acne. Another possible cause to skin reactions is that people don't clean their brushes often enough - use an antiseptic and quick-drying brush cleanser after each use, and deep clean your brushes once a week with a baby shampoo or mild soap to avoid bacteria.
Another reason why some people react to bM's foundations, according to my own experience and knowledge, is that they contain Bismuth oxychloride, which gives many people itchy skin as their face gets hot, especially if you have sensitive skin. Bismuth is the ingredient that gives a "glow" to the mineral foundation and helps keep it in place during the day, as long as you make sure to buff the product into the skin properly when applying it. If you know that you have got sensitive skin or have experienced skin problems after you have started using mineral foundation, be sure to read the ingredient list and do an allergy test on a small area of your skin before using or continuing to use the product!
The grand finale of the event was the presentation of a new product for summer - Natural Sunscreen SPF30, which is a light coverage, 100% natural sunscreen in powder form. The powder comes in a smart tube with a built-in brush, replaces your usual sun protection cream and is available in three shades - Light, Medium and Tan. I'll be back with some more info and a review later as usual!