I maj landar en kollektion inspirerad av mode skapat av papper i MAC-diskarna världen över. Pret á papier heter kollektionen, och innehåller mestadels basprodukter i naturnära färger, med några väl utvalda färgklickar här och var.
MAC Pret á Papier
Release date: April 22nd 2010 (US/Canada), May 2010 (International)

Craft Paper Couture – an inspired idea cut like a pattern and whipped up into a frisky little “funny face” frock. Then, strip it back to its essence for Summer 2010 for a Pret-a-Papier colour collection. It was a Project Runway challenge of sorts, with paper as the source, the instigator of ideas, the beginning of something simply, basically beautiful. Lipstick, LipGlass, Eye Shadow, Paint Pot, Chromografic Pencil, Studio Fix Lash, Impeccable Brow Pencil, Sheertone and Mineralize Blushes, and Nail Lacquer in a seamless spectrum of parchment-to-vellum beiges, with an occasional, clever colour spill, coral among the most au courant.”
Chromagraphic Pencil ($14.50)
- NC15/NW20 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)
- NW25/NC30 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)
Impeccable Brow Pencil ($15.00)
- Dirty Blonde - Blackened dark neutral-brown (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Taupe - Mid-tone dirty taupe (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Studio Fix Lash ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
- Black Fix - Black (Permanent)
Blush ($18.50 / 215 SEK)
- Instant Chic - Mid-tone muted coral (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)
- Garb - Light golden suntan (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)
Mineralize Blush ($23.00 / 265 SEK)
- Light Over Dark - Light yellow brown / dark peach (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Paint Pot ($16.50 / 190 SEK)
- Coral Crepe - Soft coral (Limited Edition)
- Groundwork - Mid-tone neutral taupe (Permanent)
Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
- Archetype - Sheer light gold (Lustre) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Dressmaker, Dressmaker - Creamy light peach coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Made to Order - Creamy mid-tone dirty coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Kraft - Creamy mid-tone warm brown (Amplified) (Limited Edition)
Lipglass ($14.00 / 165 SEK)
- C-Thru - Peachy beige with shimmer (Permanent)
- Fold and Tuck - Mid-tone bright coral with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
- Pret-a-Papier - Dark reddened bronze with pearl (Limited Edition)
Eyeshadow ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
- Tissue Weight - Frosted pale peach (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Bamboo - Light beige with peach (Matte) (Permanent)
- Cut to Fit - Frosted red bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Gazette Grey - Dark green-grey with gold pearl (Velvet) (Limited Edition)
- Memorabilia - Dirty purple (Matte) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)
- Brown Bag - Mid-tone warm dirty beige (Cream) (Limited Edition)
- Originality - Sparkly copper bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Chromagraphic pencils: NC15/NW20, NW25/NC30

Impeccable brow pencils: Dirty blonde, taupe

Studio fix lash

Blush: Instant chic, Garb

Mineralize blush: Light over dark

Paint pots: Coral crepe, Groundwork

Lipstick: Archetype, Kraft, Dressmaker Dressmaker, Made to order

Lipglass: C-thru, Fold and tuck, Pret-a-papier

Eyeshadow: Tissue weight, Bamboo, Cut to fit, Gazette grey, Memorabilia

Nail lacquer: Brown bag, Originality
Vad gillar ni den här kollektionen? Färgschemat är trevligt tycker jag, om än lite tråkigt. Ögonskuggorna memorabilia och gazette grey lockar mig mest, och chromagraphic pencil i NC15/NW20. Jag har lite svårt för kritvita pennor på vattenlinjen för att ge ett intryck av ett större och öppnare öga, det blir liksom för starkt mot mina ögon, så den här kommer nog se betydligt mjukare ut!
In English: In may, a collection inspired by craft paper cotoure reaches the MAC counters all over the world. It's called Pret á papier and contains mostly basic products in neutral, toned down colours with a few well chosen spots of colour.
What do you think about this collection? I like the color scheme, allthough it is a bit "meh". The eyeshadows memorabilia and gazette grey catched my eye, and chromagraphic pencil in NC15/NW20. I'm not too fond of wearing stark white pencils on my waterline to create the impression of a more awake eye, it's too hars against my eyes, so this will probably create a softer result!
Source: Chic Profile