Purity recenserar: OPI Avojuice Mango body creme

Lackjätten OPI gör inte bara produkter för naglar och händer, utan även krämer för kropp och fötter. En av kroppskrämerna heter Avojuice body creme och finns i tre olika dofter, däribland Mango.

OPI Avojuice Mango body creme

Mango body creme innehåller bland annat ingredienser som sheasmör, avokado och vitamin E, vilket gör den till en riktig fuktbomb. Krämen känns ganska fet men sjunker snabbt in i huden och kan användas på både händer, fötter och resten av kroppen. Jag tycker däremot att den nästan doftar mer som persika än mango, vilket å andra sidan är en av mina favoritdofter så det gör inte så mycket för min del, snarare tvärt om. 

Min hud känns väldigt mjuk, lugn och återfuktad när jag har använt den här krämen, och tuben är en bra storlek att ta med sig - synd att den inte innehåller 100 ml istället för 120, för då hade den varit en superbra resekompis även när man flyger. Krämen finns även i dofterna Coconut lime och Ginger lily, som även dom doftar helt fantastiskt gott!

Pris: 195 SEK för 120 ml
Betyg: 4/5

In English: The giant polish imperium OPI doesn't only make products for nails and hands, but also cremes for body and feet. One of the body cremes is called Avojuice body creme and is available in three different scents, one of them is Mango.
Mango body creme contains ingredients such as shea butter, avocado and vitamin E, which makes it a fantastic moisture bomb. At first, it feels quite fat, but it's absorbed easily by the skin and can be used on both hands, feet and the rest of the body. I do think that it smells more like peach than mango though, which on the other hand is one of my favourite scents so I really don't mind.
My skin feels really soft, calmed and moisturised when I've used this creme, and the tube is a nice size to take with you when you travel - it's a shame though that it contains 120 ml instead of 100 ml, because then it would have been a great travel companion when flying aswell. The creme is also available in the scents Coconut lime and Ginger lily, which also smells divine!
Price: $6.99 for 120 ml
Rating: 4/5
In English: The giant polish imperium OPI doesn't only make products for nails and hands, but also cremes for body and feet. One of the body cremes is called Avojuice body creme and is available in three different scents, one of them is Mango.

Mango body creme contains ingredients such as shea butter, avocado and vitamin E, which makes it a fantastic moisture bomb. At first, it feels quite fat, but it's absorbed easily by the skin and can be used on both hands, feet and the rest of the body. I do think that it smells more like peach than mango though, which on the other hand is one of my favourite scents so I really don't mind.

My skin feels really soft, calmed and moisturised when I've used this creme, and the tube is a nice size to take with you when you travel - it's a shame though that it contains 120 ml instead of 100 ml, because then it would have been a great travel companion when flying aswell. The creme is also available in the scents Coconut lime and Ginger lily, which also smells divine!

Price: $6.99 for 120 ml
Rating: 4/5


det var nått nytt :D

2011-03-23 @ 14:18:32
URL: http://theniceness.blogg.se/

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