Ordet "Kawaii" betyder söt på japanska, och det är precis vad en av april månads MAC-kollektioner har hämtat inspirationen från.
MAC Quite cute
Release date: April 7th 2011 (US/Canada), April (International)
“CUTE!” The most fanciful, fun and flattering compliment and young, modern trendsetter could ever want! Our version is the girliest kind of international glam possible, a style ride that combines postage-stamp-sized puppies with pixie swizzle-stick fashion and buttergly kisses for cute boys and even cuter shoes! Cupcake icing colors, vintage romance, an ATM card with Hello Kitty on it – and a way of life that says “yes!” to everything adorable! Come on, get happy, with the multi-culti cutie, from Tokyo to Toronto to Paris with love! Pastel shades for Eye Quads, Lipstick, Plushglass, and Nail Lacquer…And due to popular demand, we’re completely cute-ifying three favourite Lip Pencil shades from last season that will join the fun and frolic. Flash! You’ll ♥ the Mineralize Blush with the sweet heart baked right into it. If it shines, shimmers and pops it’s completely, contagiously, cute!
“CUTE!” The most fanciful, fun and flattering compliment and young, modern trendsetter could ever want! Our version is the girliest kind of international glam possible, a style ride that combines postage-stamp-sized puppies with pixie swizzle-stick fashion and buttergly kisses for cute boys and even cuter shoes! Cupcake icing colors, vintage romance, an ATM card with Hello Kitty on it – and a way of life that says “yes!” to everything adorable!
Come on, get happy, with the multi-culti cutie, from Tokyo to Toronto to Paris with love! Pastel shades for Eye Quads, Lipstick, Plushglass, and Nail Lacquer…And due to popular demand, we’re completely cute-ifying three favourite Lip Pencil shades from last season that will join the fun and frolic. Flash! You’ll ♥ the Mineralize Blush with the sweet heart baked right into it. If it shines, shimmers and pops it’s completely, contagiously, cute!
Lipstick ($14.50 / 185 SEK)
Playing Koi - Creamy white peach pink (Satin)
Saint Germain - Pastel pink (Amplified)
Candy Yum-Yum - Neon pink (Matte)
Quite Cute - Bright white lavender (Cremesheen)
Play Time - Intense violet (Cremesheen)
Plushglass ($18.50 / 210 SEK)
Fashion Fanatic - Creamy pale pink
Bubble Tea - Creamy pale nude
Girl ♥ Boy - Bright light blue pink
I ♥ U - Creamy mid-tone purple
Lip Pencil ($13.00 / 155 SEK)
In Synch - Bright yellow pink
Naked - Light neutral
Boldly Bare - Mid-tone red brown
Cutie Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 390 SEK)
Moshi! Moshi! - Pale white green gold (Frost)
Goody Goody - Gum Drop Light white pink (Satin)
Boycrazy - Pale lavender with silver pearl pigments (Lustre)
Azuki Bean - Mid-tone violet (Frost)
Mineralize Blush ($23.00 / 220 SEK)
Giggly - Light pink with pearly plum heart (Frost)
Sakura - Lavender with pearly deep magenta heart (Frost)
Miss Behave - Light beige with pearly mint green heart (Frost)
Nail Lacquer ($14.00 / 140 SEK)
Ice Cream - Cake Creamy blue pink (Creme)
Little Girl Type - Creamy pale lavender (Creme)
Mischievous - Creamy pale blue mint (Creme)
False Lashes ($14.00 / 130 SEK)
#7 Lash - Spiky, slightly separated, high glam lash
Penultimate Eyeliner ($17.50 / 190 SEK)
Rapidblack - True black
Zoom Lash ($14.00 / 155 SEK)
Zoomblack - Rich black
Alltså åh, åh, åh - ROUGEN! Adorable! Jag är sugen på alla tre, det beige med det gröna hjärtat ser ut att kunna vara en grym highlighter. Läppstiften Candy yum-yum och Playing koi lockar också. Något som faller er på läppen?
In English: The word "Kawaii" means cute in Japanese, and that's exactly what one of the MAC collections for April is inspired by.
Oh, oh, oh - THE BLUSHES! Adorable! I want all three of them, the beige with the green heart looks like it could be an awesome highlighter. The lipsticks Candy yum-yum and Playing koi sounds tempting aswell. Anything that tickles your fancy?
Please remember to link back to this post if you wish to share this information and pictures on your website/blog!
Ordet "Kawaii" betyder söt på japanska, och det är precis vad en av april månads MAC-kollektioner har hämtat inspirationen från.
Release date: April 7th 2011 (US/Canada), April (International)

“CUTE!” The most fanciful, fun and flattering compliment and young, modern trendsetter could ever want! Our version is the girliest kind of international glam possible, a style ride that combines postage-stamp-sized puppies with pixie swizzle-stick fashion and buttergly kisses for cute boys and even cuter shoes! Cupcake icing colors, vintage romance, an ATM card with Hello Kitty on it – and a way of life that says “yes!” to everything adorable!
Come on, get happy, with the multi-culti cutie, from Tokyo to Toronto to Paris with love! Pastel shades for Eye Quads, Lipstick, Plushglass, and Nail Lacquer…And due to popular demand, we’re completely cute-ifying three favourite Lip Pencil shades from last season that will join the fun and frolic. Flash! You’ll ♥ the Mineralize Blush with the sweet heart baked right into it. If it shines, shimmers and pops it’s completely, contagiously, cute!
Lipstick ($14.50 / 180 SEK)
- Playing Koi - Creamy white peach pink (Satin)
- Saint Germain - Pastel pink (Amplified)
- Candy Yum-Yum - Neon pink (Matte)
- Quite Cute - Bright white lavender (Cremesheen)
- Play Time - Intense violet (Cremesheen)
Plushglass ($18.50 / 205 SEK)
- Fashion Fanatic - Creamy pale pink
- Bubble Tea - Creamy pale nude
- Girl ♥ Boy - Bright light blue pink
- I ♥ U - Creamy mid-tone purple
Lip Pencil ($13.00 / 150 SEK)
- In Synch - Bright yellow pink
- Naked - Light neutral
- Boldly Bare - Mid-tone red brown
Cutie Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 / 415 SEK)
- Moshi! Moshi! - Pale white green gold (Frost)
- Goody Goody - Gum Drop Light white pink (Satin)
- Boycrazy - Pale lavender with silver pearl pigments (Lustre)
- Azuki Bean - Mid-tone violet (Frost)
Mineralize Blush ($23.00 / 220 SEK)
- Giggly - Light pink with pearly plum heart (Frost)
- Sakura - Lavender with pearly deep magenta heart (Frost)
- Miss Behave - Light beige with pearly mint green heart (Frost)
Nail Lacquer ($14.00 / 140 SEK)
- Ice Cream - Cake Creamy blue pink (Creme)
- Little Girl Type - Creamy pale lavender (Creme)
- Mischievous - Creamy pale blue mint (Creme)
False Lashes ($14.00 / 125 SEK)
- #7 Lash - Spiky, slightly separated, high glam lash
Penultimate Eyeliner ($17.50 / 195 SEK)
Zoom Lash ($14.00 / 160 SEK)
Cutie eyeshadow quad: Moshi! Moshi!, Goody Goody, Boycrazy, Azuki bean
Lip pencils: In Synch, Naked, Boldly bare
Lipsticks: Playing koi, Candy yum yum, Saint Germain, Quite cute, Play time
Mineralize blush: Giggly, Miss behave, Sakura
Nail lacquer: Little girl type, Ice cream, Mischievous
Plushglass: Bubble tea, Fashion fanatic, Girl ♥ Boy, I ♥ U
Zoom lash, Lash #7, Penultimate eyeliner
Alltså åh, åh, åh - ROUGEN! Adorable! Jag är sugen på alla tre, det beige med det gröna hjärtat ser ut att kunna vara en grym highlighter. Läppstiften Candy yum-yum och Playing koi lockar också. Något som faller er på läppen?
In English: The word "Kawaii" means cute in Japanese, and that's exactly what one of the MAC collections for April is inspired by.
Oh, oh, oh - THE BLUSHES! Adorable! I want all three of them, the beige with the green heart looks like it could be an awesome highlighter. The lipsticks Candy yum-yum and Playing koi sounds tempting aswell. Anything that tickles your fancy?
Please remember to link back to this post if you wish to share this information and pictures on your website/blog!