MAC - MAC & Mickey Contractor collection

I vår släpper MAC en kollektion i samarbete med sin indiska Director of Makeup Artestry, Mickey Contractor, hos utvalda MAC-butiker. Tyvärr når inte kollektionen oss i skandinavien, vilket är riktigt synd eftersom den innehåller flera riktiga godbitar, och det här är en kollektion jag faktiskt såg fram emot väldigt mycket... I USA släpps kollektionen exklusivt hos de 22 bästsäljande MAC-butikerna.

OBS! Denna kollektion kommer tyvärr inte till oss i Skandinavien.

MAC & Mickey Contractor
Release date: January 6th 2011 (US/Canada), January/February 2011 (International)

Who is Mickey Contractor, and why can’t about a billion people live without him? The answer involves breaking out into song and dance, because long before Glee, Mickey made the dashing heroes and exotic enchantresses of Bollywood Cinema into the famous faces throngs of fans want to look like. As M·A·C’s Director of Makeup Artistry for India, he’s more than an icon to a glamorous Eastern audience – he has mentored in-the-know Artists around the world for over three decades. These exclusive collections of Mickey’s musts are all about natural skin tonality and total performance, in addition to colour with a touch of exotic cine-magic. Foundation, Concealer, Prep + Prime Transparent Finishing Powder, goddess-gorgeous Eye shades, Lipstick, Lipglass and Blush, with his favourite brushes to star in your own big Bollywood hit.

Lipstick ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
Yash Deep neutral (Matte) (Limited Edition)
Mehr Dirty blue pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
Gulabi Bright fuchsia (Amplified) (Limited Edition)
Mocha Peachy yellow-brown (Satin) (Permanent)
Lipglass ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
Flesh Dirty nude brown (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Lust Soft muted pink (Frost) (Permanent)
Athma Eyeshadow Quad($36.00 U.S. / $40.00 CDN)
Folie Reddish-plum brown (Satin) (Permanent)
Carbon Matte black (Matte) (Permanent)
Jaan Light neutral with soft gold pearl (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Vivah Brown with gold pearl (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Eyeshadow ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
Saffron Deep coral caramel (Satin) (Limited Edition)
Rani Bright fuchsia with soft pink pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Marvel Deep purple with soft pink pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Oomph Forest green with soft gold pearl (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
Fluidlines, blushes, and more + photos!
Fluidline ($15.00 U.S. / $18.00 CDN)
Ivy Bright green (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Siahi Deep turquoise blue (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Blush ($18.50 U.S. / $21.50 CDN)
Gana Bright white gold (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Sur Dirty rose brown (Satin) (Limited Edition)
Studio Fix Fluid Foundation ($26.00 U.S. / $31.00 CDN)
NC41, NC43.5, NC44.5 (Limited Edition)
Moisturecover Concealer ($16.50 U.S. / $20.00 CDN)
NC23, NC43, NC44, NC45.5 (Limited Edition)
Moisturecover Double-End Concealer ($21.00 U.S . / $24.50 CDN)
Coral Corrector/Yellow Corrector (Limited Edition)
219 Pencil Brush ($24.50 U.S. / $29.50 CDN) (Permanent)
239 Eye Shader ($24.50 U.S. / $29.50 CDN) (Permanent)
116 Blush Brush ($32.00 U.S. / $38.50 CDN) (Permanent)
Prep + Prime Transparent Finishing Powder ($22.00 U.S. / $27.00 CDN) (Permanent)
Lipstick ($14.50)
  • Yash - Deep neutral (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Mehr - Dirty blue pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Gulabi - Bright fuchsia (Amplified) (Limited Edition)
  • Mocha - Peachy yellow-brown (Satin) (Permanent)

Lipglass ($14.50)
  • Flesh - Dirty nude brown (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Lust - Soft muted pink (Frost) (Permanent)

Athma Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00)
  • Folie - Reddish-plum brown (Satin) (Permanent)
  • Carbon - Matte black (Matte) (Permanent)
  • Jaan - Light neutral with soft gold pearl (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Vivah - Brown with gold pearl (Lustre) (Limited Edition)

Eyeshadow ($14.50)
  • Saffron - Deep coral caramel (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Rani - Bright fuchsia with soft pink pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Marvel - Deep purple with soft pink pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Oomph - Forest green with soft gold pearl (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)

Fluidline ($15.00)
  • Ivy - Bright green (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Siahi - Deep turquoise blue (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50)
  • Gana - Bright white gold (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Sur - Dirty rose brown (Satin) (Limited Edition)

Studio Fix Fluid Foundation ($26.00)
  • NC41, NC43.5, NC44.5 (Limited Edition)

Moisturecover Concealer ($16.50)
  • NC23, NC43, NC44, NC45.5 (Limited Edition)

Moisturecover Double-End Concealer ($21.00)
  • Coral Corrector/Yellow Corrector (Limited Edition)

  • 219 Pencil Brush ($24.50) (Permanent)
  • 239 Eye Shader ($24.50) (Permanent)
  • 116 Blush Brush ($32.00) (Permanent)

Prep + Prime Transparent Finishing Powder ($22.00) (Permanent)

Athma eyeshadow quad: Jaan, Foile, Vivah, Carbon

Blushes: Gana, Sur

Fluidline: Siahi, Ivy

Lipstick: Gulabi, Mehr, Mocha, Yash

Lipglass: Lust, Flesh

Eyeshadow: Saffron, Rani, Marvel, Oomph

Moisturecover Double-End Concealer

Jag säger bara en sak: Siahi fluidline. Gud vad snygg den är! Är även sugen på ögonskuggorna Saffron och Marvel. Har dock aldrig fattat grejen med att släppa foundations och concealers i limited edition-nyanser, jag menar, det är ju förbrukningsvaror till skillnad från t.ex. en ögonskugga som räcker i princip hur länge som helst vid normal användning.

In English: This spring, MAC launches a collection in collaboration with their Director of Makeup Artestry for India, Mickey Contractor, at selected MAC stores. Unfortunally, the collection won't reach us here in Scandinavia, which is such a pity since it contains several goodies, and I was really looking forward to it... In the US, the collection is launched exclusively at the top 22 MAC stores.

I have one thing to say: Siahi fluidline. God it's beautiful! I'm also lemming the eyeshadows Saffron and Marvel. I've never got the hang of the idea of releasling limited edition foundation and concealer shades though, I mean, they're products you're consuming a lot of, compared to i.e. an eyeshadow that will last you like forever with normal usage.

Source: Temptalia


Jag har bara ett ord att säga om den här kollektionen och det är tusan Siahi! Jisses, hur fin är den inte.

2011-01-13 @ 15:02:45
Frida Pygmeisk

Åh underbart!

2011-01-13 @ 15:10:59

Fluidlinerna ser helt underbara ut :)

2011-01-13 @ 15:45:06

Den gröna skuggan Oomph var vacker, även den blåa eyelinern.

2011-01-13 @ 17:02:32

Fyy va orättvist, tycker inte att det borde vara lov att ge ut kollektioner som inte kommer till alla återförsäljare.

2011-01-13 @ 17:44:20
Emma P

Christ vilka snygga fluidline!

2011-01-13 @ 21:21:22
Katja fra Pudderdå

Det er SÅ forbandet trist at den ikke kommer. Suk...

2011-01-13 @ 22:48:03

Emilie: Eller hur, DREGEL!

Frida Pygmeisk: Visst ser det fint ut, så synd att den inte kommer hit! =(

Anna: Ja, vill ha!

Emma: Oomph verkar vara ganska lik greensmoke som du kan hitta i det permanenta sortimentet =)

Susanna: Visst är det trist =(

Emma P: Eller hur, jag vill så gärna ha Siahi...

Katja: Håller med =(

2011-01-15 @ 16:54:10

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