Kommer ni ihåg
sneak peak-bilden jag visade på MACs fula förpackningar till sommarkollektionen för 2010? Kollektionen heter To the beach, och även om den inte är lika gigantisk som förra sommarens Style Warriors så innehåller den en hel del produkter, bland annat lustre drops som lanserades förra sommaren.
MAC To the beach
Release date: 27 May 2010 (US/Canada), May 2010 (International)

There is fun in the sun, to be sure, but to the beach is more of a sensual state of mind – a pleasure we all feel near the sea. The girl and boy from Ipanema, from Cap D’Antibes to West Palm Beach…All around the world, the seaside has a romance, and a kind of golden, sexy alchemy we’re all drawn to. This collection encapsulates it, with a new, lapping-wave Lip-Pencil and High-Light Powder in coral shades, Nail Lacquer – A Scorcher! – Eye Shadow, Kohl, and Powder Blush to get away from it all effortlessly. Sandbags, seashells, the magic of marine life decorating packaging in the most soothing sultry shades of summertime. Close your eyes, and go To The Beach!The face must be protected at all times! But we have ways to bronze and beautify…fake it, but get colour that looks sun-kissed! A safe way to evoke the golden glow of a glorious walk on the beach, the magical moodiness of sunsets all over the world, colours shifting from glowing gold to glorious bronze to sundown brown. The Chic Glamour of faraway places, a ticket to paradise inspired by the dream of a life lived sur la mer. Bronzing Powder, Cream Bronzer, Lustre Drops, Bronze Body Oil, and our stylish City-To-Seaside to the beach bags…wherever you are, see you at the beach!
Eye Shadow ($14.50 / 160 SEK)
- Sand & Sun - Light Peach (Matte)
- Firecraker - Frosted Mid-Tone Red Orange (Veluxe Pearl)
- Sweet & Punchy - Bright Yellow Green (Veluxe Pearl)
- Shimmermoss - Green with Green Pearl (Veluxe Pearl)
- Humid - Intense Green with Shimmer (Frost)
Lipstick ($14.00 / 180 SEK)
- BeachBound - Sheer Frosted Pale Peach (Glaze)
- Lazy Day - Light Dirty Blue Pink (Lustre)
- Thrills - Rosy Copper with Gold Pearl (Frost)
- FunBathing - Mid-Tone Bronzed Plum (CremeSheen)
Lipglass (14.00 / 165 SEK)
- Easy Lounger - Light Baby Pink with Multi-Dimensional Pearl
- Flurry of Fun - Sheer Sparkly Peach
- Splashing - Mid-Tone Blue Pink with Soft Gold Pearl
Lip Pencil ($13.00 / 150 SEK)
- Life’s a Breeze - Soft Pink
- Temperature Rising - Loudmouth Orange
Eye Kohl ($14.50 / 140 SEK)
- Float on By - Dark Green Turquoise
- Rosemary & Thyme - Mid-Tone Olive Gold with Shimmer
Powder Blush ($18.50 / 215 SEK)
- Hipness - Intense Coral with Soft White Pearl (Frost)
- Get-Away Bronze - Mid-Tone SunTan (Frost)
High-Light Powder ($26.00)
- Marine Life - Multicolour Pressed Powder
Nail Lacquer ($12.00 / 140 SEK)
- In the Buff - Muted Taupe Avocado (Cream)
- Scorcher - Creamy Bright Coral Red (Cream)
MAC To The Beach Bag ($49.50)
- Available at MAC Stores only.
Cream bronzer ($25.00)
- Beach Bronze - Golden Glow with Soft Gold Finish
- Weekend - Mid-Tone Deep Orange Brown with Soft Pink Pearl
Lustre drops ($18.50 / 200 SEK)
- Pink Rebel - Blue Pink with Gold Pearl
- Sun Rush - Peachy Bronze with Gold Pearl
Bronzing Powder ($22.00 / 250 SEK)
- Golden - Muted Golden Tan-Beige with Golden Shimmer
- Refined Golden - Finely Spun Golden with Soft Pearl Finish
Bronze Body Oil ($22.00)
- Glowing Tan with multidimensional Golden Shimmer
Brush 130 Short Duo Fibre ($38.00)
- A short, round dual fibre with flat head composed of both natural bristles and synthetic fibers ideal for application with creams, emulsions & various powder products.
Brush 131 Short Duo Fibre Powder/Blush ($34.00)
- Flat, tapered face brush that contains a combination of short, natural, fibers and longer, fibre optic fibries ideal for light application and highlighting/ shading with various face powders; Ideally suited with mineralize skinfinish powder products.

Jag vet inte, jag blir faktiskt fortfarande rätt avskräckt av de fruktansvärt fula förpackningarna... De gröna är bara rent utav vedervärdiga, medan de orange hade varit lite mer OK om det inte hade varit för de vita trycken. Flera permanenta produkter repromotas vilket jag tycker är lite småtråkigt, och det enda som lockar mig än så länge är highlightpudret, trots att det kommer i en spygrön dosa. Vad tycker ni om den här kollektionen?
In English: Remember the sneak peak picture I posted a while ago of the ugly product packaging from the MAC 2010 summer collection? The collection is called To the beach, and though it's not quite as huge as last year's Style Warriors, it does contain quite a few products. Lustre drops will make a comeback with this collection!
I don't know, I'm acctually really put off from the extremely ugly packaging... The green is just hideous, while the orange would be more OK if there hadn't been for the white print. There are a few products from the permanent range that are being repromoted which I find a bit boring, and the only thing tempting me so far is the highlight powder (even though it's in a ugly green compact). What do you think about this collection?
Source: Chic profile