MAC - Makeup Art Cosmetics Collection

Makeup Art Cosmetics är just vad förkortningen MAC står för, och i höst lanseras en gigantisk kollektion under just det namnet. Det blir en salig blandning av produkter,  både permanenta, LE och repromotes. Kollektionen har inspirerats av tre olika konstnärer och är därför indelade i tre olika delar efter dessa tre konstnärer; Richard Phillips (konstnär),  Maira Kalman (Illustratör) och Marilyn Minter (fotograf).

MAC Makeup Art Cosmetics - As seen by Richard Phillips
Release Date: August 20th 2009 (US/Canada), September 2009 (International)

Lipsticks ($14.00)
  • Full Body - Deep red plum (Lustre) (LE)
  • Hold the Pose - Brown plum with gold pearl (Lustre) (LE)
  • Front Lit - Light white yellow (Frost) (LE)
  • Lovin It - Cool neutral with yellow undertone (Lustre) (LE)
  • High Strung - A deep pink silver (Frost) (Permanent)

Lipglass ($14.00)
  • On Display - Purple with yellow pearl (LE)
  • New Spirit - Light yellow coral (LE)
  • Personal Taste - Mid-tone rose with pink gold pearl (LE)
  • Young Thing - Yellow neutral with gold pearl (LE)

Quads ($36.00) (LE)

Photo Realism
  • Photorealism - Gold shimmer with gold pearl (Frost)
  • Fresh Approach - Cool mint green (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Image Maker - Mid-tone grey green (Frost)
  • Grey Range - Deep blue green (Veluxe Pearl)
In the Gallery
  • Lightfall - Pale pink (Satin)
  • Look at the Eyes - Light violet
  • In the Gallery - Mid-tone blue pink (Matte)
  • Private viewing - Deep brown plum (Matte)
  • Skintone 1 - Light white pink (Lustre)
  • Skintone 2 - Mid tone gold (Frost)
  • Noteriety - Mid tone brown with gold pearl (Velvet)
  • Rich & Earthy - Rich coral bronze (Veluxe Pearl)

Mascara: (Permanent) ($12.00)
  • Plushlash Mascara in Plushblack - True black

Powder Blush ($18.00)
  • The Perfect Cheek - Mid-tone pale pink (Matte) (LE)
  • Notable - mid-tone brick brown red (Satin) (LE)

MAC Makeup Art Cosmetics - As seen by Maira Kalman
Release Date: August 20th 2009 (US/Canada), September 2009 (International)

Eye Shadows ($14.50)
  • Crest the Wave - Rich yellow (Frost) (LE) (Repromote from Naughty Nautical's Stowaway quad)
  • Off the Page - Mid-tone mustard orange (Frost) (LE)
  • Haunting - Light turquoise blue (Satin) (LE) (Repromote from MAC for Alexander McQueen)
  • Violet Trance - Deep blue purple (Matte) (LE) (Repromote for Balloonacy's Pandamonium quad)
  • Purple Shower - Mid-tone magenta with silver pearl (Satin) (LE) (Repromote from Turquatic)
  • Maira's Magic - Yellow pink (Satin) (LE)

Technakohl Liners ($14.50)
  • Full of Fuschia - Deep blue magenta (LE)
  • Artistic License - Bright turquoise blue (LE)
  • Obviously Orange - Mid-tone coral (LE)
  • Colour Matters - Bright lime (LE)
  • Graphblack - Rich graphic black (Permanent)

MAC Makeup Art Cosmetics - As seen by Marilyn Minter
Release Date: August 20th 2009 (US/Canada), September 2009 (International)

Pigments ($19.50)
  • Brash & Bold - Bright magenta (LE)
  • Push the Edge - Deep bright purple with pearl (LE)
  • Cocomotion - Dirty gold with olive undertone and gold sparkle (LE) (Repromote from Rushmetal)
  • Heritage Rouge - Deep burgundy with red and brown pearl (Permanent) (Pro) (Also a repromote from Overrich)

Glitters ($19.50)
  • Fuschia - Sparkling fuschia (Permanent) (Pro)
  • Gold - Sparkling chunky gold (Permanent) (Pro)
  • Reflects Rust - Sparkling warm red (Permanent) (Pro)
  • Reflects Copper - Sparkling saffron (Permanent) (Pro)

Gloss Texture
  • Clear (Permanent) (Pro)

Herrejösses vilken salig blandning av produkter! Här måste jag verkligen se produktbilder och swatches innan jag ens kan börja fundera på om jag vill ha något från den här kollektionen. Kul med lite glitter, Gloss texture ser spännande ut med. Tur att det är en hel sommar att avverka innan den här kollektionen släpps så man hinner fundera lite...

In English: MAC is short for Makeup Art Cosmetics, and that's also the name of this gigantic collection being released this fall. It's a big mixture of products, both permanent, LE and repromotes. The collection has been inspired by three artists; Richard Phillips (painter), Maira Kalman (Illustrator) and Marilyn Minter (Photographer).

I really have to see product images and swatches before I even can start thinking about what I want from this collection. Great to see some glitters, and Gloss texture looks exciting aswell. I'm glad that there's a whole summer ahead before this collection is being released so I can think about what I want...


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