Julen är knappt här men ändå börjar många märken redan släppa information om sina vårkollektioner. 2010 års vårkollektion från MAC heter Spring forecast collection och består av 4 minikollektioner med ett färgtema i varje kollektion. Bland annat lanseras ett nytt rouge; Blush ombre, och metallpigment; Crushed metal pigment.
MAC Spring colour forecast
Release date: February 11th 2010 (US/Canada), Feb/March 2010 (International)

Spring Colour 1 forecast
- Bubble Gum - Light lavender pink (Glaze) (Limited Edition)
- Laugh-a-lot - Mauve pink (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Phlox - Sheer light pink (Glaze) (Limited Edition)
- Pink Burst - Clean bright pink with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Cultureclash - Frosty clear baby pink with multi-dimensional pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Hush, Hush Rose - Mid-tone blue pink with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Da Bling - Pink with gold pearl (Veluxe Pearl) (Permanent)
- LaLa - Mid-tone pink (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Rosy Outlook - Frosted baby pink (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Very Violet - Dark violet (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Crushed Metal Pigment: Stacked 1
- Pale pink, light lilac, mid-tone rose, dark purple (Limited Edition)
Blush Ombre
- Azalea Blossom - Light cool pink (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer
- Galore Pink - Creamy mid-tone blue pink (Cream) (Limited Edition)
Creations: Pinkaura
- Lingeringly floral, slightly foxy. Starts off green then bursts into a flowery bouquet of freesia, black violet and magnolia petals. Sashays into a rich warm amber and balmy vetiver. (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Spring Colour 2 Forecast
- Colour Me Coral - Frosted light coral (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Fresh Salmon - Sheer bright pink-orange (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Rose Maiden - Frosted bright berry (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Victorian - Frosted light golden pink (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Cha Cha - Mid-tone pink with gold pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Ember Glow - Creamy light apricot (Cream) (Limited Edition)
- Kumquat - Frosty tangerine (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Hot Hot Hot - Mid-tone coral (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Nanogold - Sheer yellow beige with pink pearl (Lustre) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Perky - Light salmon pink (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Straw Harvest - Frosty light yellow-orange (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
Crushed Metal Pigment: Stacked 2
- Pale gilded beige, yellow gold, green gold, copper gold (Limited Edition)
Blush Ombre
- Ripe Peach - Light coral (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer
- Malibu Peach - Bright creamy tangerine (Cream) (Limited Edition)
Creations: MV2
- Cool, calm, and classic. Vanilla teased with lemon, melted with lavender creme, and then given a warming shot of vanilla bourbon mixed with vanilla mousse and heliotrope. (Permanent)

Spring Colour 3 Forecast
- Hang-up - Deep berry (Cremesheen) (Permanent)
- Radicchio - Sheer mid-tone blue-mauve (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Lavender Wind - Lavender with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Purple Rage - Dark berry with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Eyeshadow Quad — Colour 3
- Black Tulip - Frosted dark grape (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Bruised Plum - Frosted mid-tone dirty mauve (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
- Jungle Moon - Blackened deep eggplant (Matte) (Limited Edition)
- Mink Pink - Neutral soft pink (Veluxe) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Blush Ombre
- Vintage Grape - Mid-tone violet pink (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer
- Imperial Splendour - Deep creamy violet (Cream) (Limited Edition)

Spring Colour 4 Forecast
- Beigeland - Frosted light pink beige (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Bronzilla - Frosted mid-tone yellow brown (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Almondine - Pale gold with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Gold Dust - Mid-tone copper with pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Eyeshadow Quad — Colour 4
- Aztec Brick - Frosted true copper (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
- Creole Beauty - Frosted dark golden brown (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Flip - Bronze gold (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Manila Paper - Pale frosted white gold (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
Blush Ombre
- Springshine - Neutral suntan (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer
- Abalone Shell - Light creamy warm beige (Cream) (Limited Edition)

Sluuuta MAC, jag kommer bli ruinerad! Speciellt de tre första minikollektionerna lockar mig något enormt, det är bara dags att börja spara då med andra ord.... Är lite nyfiken på crushed metal pigment, hur dom ser ut och beter sig på huden och vad dom kostar. Är inte jätteförtjust i stack jars men är produkten bra till ett okej pris kan jag mycket väl tänka mig att köpa ett set eller båda! Jag gillar promobilderna för den här kollektionen också, riktigt fina. Vad säger ni om den här kollektionen, bu eller bä?
In English: Christmas hasn't passed by yet, but the cosmetic companies are already releasing info about the spring collections. The 2010 spring collection from MAC is called Spring colour forecast collection and consists of 4 mini collections with a colour theme in each. Two new products are being launched; Blush ombre and Crushed metal pigments.
MAC, you're torturing my wallet! Especially the three first mini collections are really tempting, I have to start saving money now. I'm a bit curious about crushed metal pigment, how they look and act on the skin and also what the pricing will be. I'm not a huge fan of stack jars but if there's a good product for a reasonable price, I might consider picking up one or two of the sets. I really like the promo pictures for this collection aswell, really pretty. What do you say about this collection, yay or nay?
Source: Temptalia